‘The School Case of Poor Harold: Families’ multi-generational remembrance of deceased children in twentieth-century England’ – Laura King (Leeds) – Séminaire franco-britannique d’histoire

Publié le 12 mai 2022

12 mai 2022 - 17 h 00 min - 18 h 30 min

Laura King (Leeds), ‘The School Case of Poor Harold: Families’ multi-generational remembrance of deceased children in twentieth-century England’

‘Poor Harold’ died in 1931, aged nearly eleven, and left behind a school case. This paper examines the story of this ‘ordinary’ boy and his family, who have chosen to preserve his memory through the keeping of this object. The paper examines the case itself, and the story associated with it, as told by Harold’s niece Maureen. In doing so, the article explores remembrance culture in interwar England and inter-generational memory cultures since, focusing on emotional practices, attitudes to death, cross-generational family identities, and changing engagement with religion and faith.


Latest monograph : Family Men: Fatherhood and Masculinity in Britain, c.1914-1960 (Oxford University Press, 2015)


Salle D040 à Serpente.


Séminaire franco-britannique d’histoire – Année 2021-2022

  • Organisé par : Sorbonne Université (Centre d’histoire du XIXe siècle ; Centre Roland Mousnier–UMR 8596 ; HDEA).
    En partenariat avec AGORA (Cergy Pontoise), l’Institute of Historical Research (Londres), l’Institut universitaire de France
    et le LARCA-UMR 8225 (Université de Paris).

Les séances ont lieu, sauf indication contraire, le jeudi de 17h à 18h30 à la Maison de la Recherche de Sorbonne Université

(28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e), salle D421–  https://sfbh.hypotheses.org/

Le séminaire est tributaire de la situation sanitaire. Pour éviter tout déplacement inutile, les participants sont invités à consulter le blog, ou à s’abonner à la liste de diffusion.