Séminaire Genres et Sexualités – John Paul Ricco (University of Toronto)

Publié le 17 octobre 2022

17 octobre 2022 - 17 h 00 min - 19 h 00 min


Lecture: Professor John Paul Ricco’s (University of Toronto) ONLINE only 

17th October at 5.00 pm, Paris time

Please register at this link,





Abstract: Bersani’s Incongruous Sociality

This talk considers Leo Bersani’s concept of “incongruity” as a key term in his thinking of ethical relation. Specifically, as a description of the desynchronized movement and impersonal configuration of bodies, psyches, thoughts, and things, in which the formal mobilization of aesthetic perceptions of sameness replace the immobilizing forces of desirous knowing and difference. Highlighted is the way in which sameness is not based on a single predicate of commonality, but instead obtains in similar forms of movement and/or stillness that inaugurate correspondences with others and the world. This sheds light on Bersani’s familiar notions of inaccurate replication and homo-narcissism within his broader exploration of potential intimacies pleasurably discovered via a sense of universal sameness as opposed to the often-murderous fixation on identity and difference. 


BioJohn Paul Ricco is the author of The Logic of the Lure, and The Decision Between Us: art and ethics in the time of scenes, both published by the University of Chicago Press. Professor Ricco teaches Art History, Comparative Literature, and Visual Culture at the University of Toronto, where for the past three years he served as Associate Director of the Centre for Comparative Literature. 

Ricco is a theorist working at the juncture of contemporary art, queer theory, and philosophy, most noted for his work on aesthetics and ethics; sexuality and intimacy; eco-aesthetics, and the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, and Leo Bersani. 

Ricco recently coedited special issues of Parallax and Journal of Visual Culture—both on Jean-Luc Nancy—and is coediting with Jacques Khalip, a forthcoming issue of differences titled, “Syntax of Thought: On Leo Bersani.” With Austin Svedjan, he is co-editing an issue of Postmodern Culture on “Afterlives of the Anti-social.” Ricco is currently completing two books: Queer Finitude: essays on solitude, anonymity, and the common; and Extinction Aesthetics: meditations on the collective afterlife of things.