Lectures Transfrontalières -Transnational Archiving of Sexualities: Engaging Plural Pasts

Publié le 5 mai 2023

05 mai 2023 - 14 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min

Transnational Archiving of Sexualities: Engaging Plural Pasts

A Project by Decolonizing Sexualities Network, with the France-Berkeley Fund



Friday 5th May 2023 – 14h00

Lectures Transfrontalières

Collective readings of excerpts from French (and English) editions of Gloria Anzaldúa Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (with preface author Paola Bacchetta and translators Nino S. Dufour and Alejandra Soto-Chacón)

Academics, activists and artists are invited to participate

Library Research Room, Université Paris VIII, 2 rue de la Liberté – 93526 Saint-Denis

Organized by Groupe d’études politiques en réseaux

Many thanks to Béatrice Rettig

Co-sponsored by: Decolonizing Sexualities Network; Séminaire libre des jeunes chercheur·e·s du LLCP-Paris VIII; Éditions Cambourakis

Website : https://decolonizingsexualities.org/