18 mars 2022 - 10 h 00 min - 13 h 00 min
Decolonising Literary Studies and Modern Languages Forum at Cardiff University
A forum to discuss efforts in decolonising Literary Studies and Modern Languages, featuring the Decolonising the Discipline Network (UK), Decolonizing Sexualities Network (Berkeley, Paris), and Decolonising Modern Languages (Institute of Modern Languages, London), followed by an open roundtable discussion.
Organised by the Student Race Equality Steering Group (Cardiff University)
Friday 18 March 2022 from 10:00-13:00 (GMT)
Online Event (via zoom)
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/decolonising-literary-studies-and-modern-languages-forum-cardiff-university-tickets-293843893997
- 10:00 – 10:10: Welcome and Opening Remarks (Student Race Equality Steering Group)
- 10:10 – 11:30: Decolonising Literary Studies
Chair: Arwa Al-Mubaddel (Cardiff University) - 10:10 – 10:30: Decolonising Studies of English Literature in Universities of the Global North (Dr Sandeep Bakshi, LARCA / Université Paris Cité & Decolonizing Sexualities Network)
- 10:30 – 11:00: Decolonising the Discipline Network (Dr Dave Ellis, Oxford Brookes University; Dr Katherine Baxter, University of Northumbria)
- 11:00 – 11:20: Q&A Session
- 11:20 – 11:30 Tea/Coffee Break
- 11:30- 12:05: Decolonising Modern Languages
Chair: Abyd Quinn-Aziz (Cardiff University) - 11:30 – 11:50: Decolonising Languages Network (Dr Emanuelle Santos, University of Birmingham; Dr Joseph Ford, University of London)
- 11:50 – 12:05: Q&A Session
- 12:05 – 12:10: Comfort Break
- 12:10 – 12:50: Open Roundtable Discussion
- 12:50 – 1:00: Closing Remarks
Decolonising Studies of English Literature in Universities of the Global North – Sandeep Bakshi :
Despite numerous calls to “decolonise the curriculum” in various disciplines, and often with encouraging results of universities taking cognisance of the ubiquity of the canon, it remains an enterprise of either diversity-inclusion or insufficiently careful addition of newer sources. The labour in addressing the meaning of ‘decolonising’ fields of study calls forth an honest-cum-thorough appraisal of Euro-American canon formation. In terms of the literary canon and canon making, decolonising the study of literature does not imply, even though it might be a seductive idea, a quick and random inclusion of texts from other parts of the world notably from the formerly colonised nations. This talk gestures towards ‘decolonising’ studies of English literature as a rigorous critique of existing Eurocentric categories of knowledge formation coupled with compelling accounts of non-canonical authors of literature without eliding critical questions of privilege in terms of race, gender, sexuality, and social capital among others. Decolonising literary studies would then be informed by the cultural co-constitution that the South produces, not just in literary forms based on written documents, but also and primarily oral productions in multiple languages across cultures and periods.
Sandeep Bakshi is a researcher of transnational queer and decolonial enunciation of knowledges. He received his PhD from the School of English, University of Leicester, UK, and is currently employed as an Associate Professor of Postcolonial and Queer Literatures at LARCA / Université Paris Cité. He coordinates two research seminars, “Peripheral Knowledges” and “Empires, Souths, Sexualities,” and heads the “Gender and Sexuality Studies” research group. He is also co-editor of Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions (Oxford: Counterpress, 2016) and Decolonial Trajectories, special issue of Interventions (2020), he has published on queer and decolonial engagements in postcolonial literatures and cultures. He is a founder and board member of the Decolonizing Sexualities Network (https://decolonizingsexualities.org)