23e symposium du groupe de recherche Poets & Critics autour de Lyn Hejinian, poète et critique

Publié le 13 février 2020

13 février 2020 - Toute la journée

Informations disponibles sur le site www.poetscritics.org et auprès des organisateurs: 

  • Vincent Broqua (U. Paris 8) 
  • Olivier Brossard (U. Paris Eiffel–IUF)
  • Abigail Lang (U. Paris)

Symposium organisé avec le soutien de l’Institut Universitaire de France, du LISAA (EA 4120) de l’Université Paris Gustave Eiffel, du LARCA (UMR 8225) de l’Université de Paris, et de l’EA 1569 TransCrit de l’Université Paris 8.

  • Jeudi 13 février à 19h: lecture de Lyn Hejinian et de Marie-louise Chapelle à l’invitation du collectif Double Change. Entrée libre.


Lyn Hejinian teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, where her academic work is addressed principally to modernist, postmodern, and contemporary poetry and poetics, with a particular interest in avant-garde movements and the social practices they entail. She is the author of over twenty-five volumes of poetry and critical prose, the most recent of which are Positions of the Sun, which was published in January, 2019 by the Brooklyn-based independent feminist literary collective and small press Belladonna, and Tribunal, published by Omnidawn books in the spring of 2019. Translations of her work have been published in Denmark, France, Spain, Japan, Italy, Russia, Sweden, China, Serbia, and Finland. She is the co-director (with Travis Ortiz) of Atelos, a literary project commissioning and publishing cross-genre work by poets, and co-editor (with Jane Gregory and Claire Marie Stancek) of Nion Editions. Other collaborative projects include a composition titled Qúê Trân with music by John Zorn and text by Hejinian; two mixed media books (The Traveler and the Hill and the Hill and The Lake) created with the painter Emilie Clark; the award-winning experimental documentary film Letters Not About Love, directed by Jacki Ochs; the multi-authored 10-volume work The Grand Piano: An Experiment in Collective Autobiography (co-authored with Rae Armantrout, Steve Benson, Carla Harryman, Tom Mandel, Ted Pearson, Bob Perelman, Kit Robinson, Ron Silliman, and Barrett Watten [Detroit: Mode A, 2006-10])


Lieu :

Université de Paris, Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, salle M19