Launched in 2012, TV/Series is the first journal to publish academic articles, in English and in French, addressing audiovisual serial fiction from all over the world. Series are analyzed as narrative, aesthetic and ideological artworks existing on an ever-increasing number of platforms. The journal is innovative in its interdisciplinary exploration of the cultural stakes of seriality and repetition in audiovisual fiction, with approaches grounded in fields of study as diverse as literature, narratology, philosophy, visual studies, cultural studies, geography, history, political science, sociology, etc.
Initially hosted on the servers of Le Havre university, the journal migrated to the OpenEdition website in 2015.
Ariane Hudelet, Professor at LARCA, co-directs the journal with Sarah Hatchuel (Professor in Film Studies, Université Montpellier III)
The LARCA supports the journal through financial and organizational support to conferences, as well as to the editorial and technical work.