The collective text “Penser la littérature au présent” realised by Catherine Bernard, Thomas Constantinesco and Cécile Roudeau, with the participation of Jean-Marie Fournier, Ladan Niayesh, Béatrice Trotignon, Mathieu Duplay, Daniel Jean, Clémence Folléa and Sandeep Bakshi is online since june 23th, 2021, for the LARCA’s research axis “Boundaries of Literature“.
The chosen format is that of a roundtable, which makes it possible to question the way in which criticism from the English-speaking area dialogues with its present and the categories that question the episteme of literature: from the history of canonization processes to the most recent questions on the need to go beyond criticism itself (see the works of Rita Felski or Timothy Aubry still little known in France). It therefore aims to take stock of some of the important developments in criticism when it tries to think of itself as “post-critical”.
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