The talk of Frédéric OGEE, L’expérience du sensible : nature et vérité dans le premier portrait anglais, de William Hogarth à Thomas Lawrence, to the international colloquium (Louvre-Lens, june 10-11, 2021) L’expérience sensorielle dans les expositions d’art au XVIIIe siècle (session 1 : L’expérience de l’œuvre : des émotions aux sensations, Voir et sentir à l’anglaise) is online.
The colloquium L’expérience sensorielle dans les expositions d’art au XVIIIe siècle is part of a research project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2018-2020) and conducted on the question of the sensory body by Isabelle Pichet (UQTR, Canada), Gaëtane Maës (University of Lille, France) and Dorit Kluge (VICTORIA International University, Germany). It thus aims to define the way in which the experience of the sensory body of visitors is modeled during the visit of temporary art exhibitions as they emerge and establish themselves in Europe as a new social practice. This knowledge should make it possible to better understand the journey and the sensoriality inherent in visitors to museums and galleries through the centuries, until today.
The eighteenth century saw the birth of art exhibitions, which are part of this new field of public experience that can be devoted to the European population from the 1730s. And unique which challenged each of their senses. This simple observation directs the reflection towards the fields of study on the senses and the sensitivities in which the colloquium is inscribed as a new avenue of research for the history of art exhibitions in the 18th century.
Designed as a laboratory for exchanges, the conference of speakers from three continents and various backgrounds and it is organized in two sessions: that of the Louvre-Lens museum took place on June 10-11, 2021 online on Zoom , and that of the Louvre museum will be held on 18-19 November 2021 at the Vivant-Denon center of the Louvre museum in Paris.
The first session focused on the experience of the work, from emotions to sensations, the second will question the question of the experience of the visit, from the spectator to the critic.