Publication/Call for Papers: Topical File on Popular Historical Ficton – POP-EN-STOCK Online Journal

Posted on March 9, 2022

Laurence Cros is pleased to announce the publication of a topical file in the online journal POP-EN-STOCK on popular historical fiction:

This file is a follow-up to the publication of issue 37 of Le Temps des médias on Anglo-American historical fiction, edited by Laurence Cros, Marjolaine Boutet and Marie-Jeanne Rossignol:

Both publications serve as a conclusion to the historical fiction research project conducted by the LARCA (Université de Paris) between 2019 and 2021:

The POP-EN-STOCK file already includes three articles:


POP-EN-STOCK topical files are always open to new contributions. File editors evaluate and edit new propositions for a two-year period under the supervision of the journal directors. If interested, please submit your contributions to the file editor, Laurence Cros:

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