Call for Papers: International Conference T. S. Eliot in translation Paris, October 13-15, 2022

Posted on November 17, 2021

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of The Waste Land’s first publication, the LARCA  is very pleased to invite T.S. Eliot scholars, and specialists of Modernism more generally, to share and discuss their (re)assessment of the reception of T. S. Eliot’s works and ideas in the various languages of Europe. We are especially, but not exclusively, interested in probing the role of translation in reception and canonization processes, that is, in the formation and reshaping of literary canons and their effect on the circulation of literary theory. Conversely, examining translation processes and their effects on literary reception may shed new light on reading, criticizing and teaching Eliot.

According to his correspondence, Eliot appears to have been very eager to have TWL, and later major pieces, translated into foreign languages, building in the process what may be called a translated corpus. That corpus could be appraised along several lines : as a vehicle for and a measure of the diffusion of Modernism in Europe; as an agent that shaped the perception of Modernism in various linguistic and cultural areas; as an influence on cultural productions in vernacular languages; as the outcome of a strategy of self-canonization. An assessment of the translated corpus could raise other issues such as locating and analyzing spatial and literary relations between the multilingual translated corpus and Eliot’s travels, the geographics of his body translation so to speak; assessing what the translated texture of the texts and its discrepancies with the source texts reveal of Eliot, his works and their readers and critics; exploring how the timing of translations and the effects of time affect the translated texts and corpus and their originals in return; searching for poetic and aesthetic filiations, echoes and resonances in the production of Eliot’s readers whether they read him in English and/or in translations.

In a nutshell, this conference will focus on what could be called T.S. Eliot’s “translational afterlives” if we bear in mind Walter Benjamin’s concept of fortleben as one of the tasks of the translator (The Translator’s Task, 1923).


We therefore welcome papers along the following lines of critical investigation:



Translational issues of Modernism: translating illegibility, translating multilingualism, translation as a modernist language and technique.

Issues of translation: Influence of the first translation(s) and ethos of the translators; who were Eliot’s first translators, why and how have they translated his work? How did Eliot relate to them; retranslating Eliot: emancipation of the second and third generation of translators and of their translations from the first translation(s), and from the canon.

Legal issues

Legal constraints weighing on translations and the circulation of works; legal constraints as part of canonization and canon building.

Canonizations and decanonizations

Eliot as a magnet (or a foil) in the reshaping of European and national literary canons: evaluating the combined roles of academics, publishers, translators and critics in the elevation of an “author” to iconic status, or their dismissal; the political and institutional impact on the literary sphere and its autonomy; the politics of translation, politics of the canon: teaching and criticizing Eliot at school and university outside the USA, Great-Britain and the anglosphere; materialities of the canon, materialities of translation, publishers and author’s strategies


Though Eliot was reluctant to see his poetry translated into other arts, European artists have nevertheless been inspired by his lines and images, producing new forms and languages: visual arts (Francis Bacon, Julian Peters); music, dance, live performance (Benjamin Britten, Pam Tanowitz, Pippo Delbono); movies (Michael Petronie, Karl Verkade), to name a few. How do these explorations contribute to Eliot’s reading and criticism and to the understanding of how transposition and translation work, from both a practical and theoretical standpoint?


Please submit 250-word long proposals and a short biographical note to Pascale-Marie Deschamps : before April 30th, 2022


Comité scientifique/Scientific Committee


Antoine Cazé, Université de Paris, LARCA

Jean-Marie Fournier, Université de Paris, LARCA

Jennifer Kilgore-Caradec, Université Caen Normandie, LARCA

Benoît Tadié, Université Rennes 2

Amélie Ducroux, Université Lumière-Lyon 2

Olivier Hercend, Université Paris Nanterre

Cécile Varry, Université de Paris, LARCA ; Oxford University

Magdalena Heydel, Jagiellonian University

Jayme Stayer, Loyola University Chicago

Fabio L. Vericat, Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Bibliographie succincte/Selected References



BERMAN, Antoine, Pour une critique des traductions, Paris, Gallimard, 1995.

DOSSE, Mathieu (dir.) Poétique de la lecture des traductions, Classiques Garnier, 2016.

INFANTE, Ignacio, After Translation: The Transfer and Circulation of Modern Poetics

across the Atlantic, Fordham UP, 2013.

KAHN, Robert, SETH, Catriona (dir.) La retraduction, Publication des universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2010.

MORGENSTERN, John, D. « T.S. Eliot and Modernist Translation, 1920 to Early Twenty-First Century Modern Poetry », John Wiley & Sons, 2019,

SAMOYAULT, Tiphaine, Traduction et violence, Seuil, 2020.

TADIÉ, Benoît, « T. S. Eliot, La Terre dévastée (The Waste Land), présentation et traduction de Benoît Tadié », Po&sie, 2020/4 (n° 174), revue-poesie-2020-4-page-119.htm

THOMAS, Chloé et TADIÉ Benoît, « Retraduire The Waste Land », Transatlantica, 1|2021,

VINCLAIR, Pierre, Terre inculte, Penser dans lillisible, Hermann, 2018.



CASANOVA, Pascale, La République mondiale des lettres, Paris, Seuil, 1999.

DÄUMER, Elisabeth, BAGCHEE, Shyamal (dir.) The International Reception of T. S. Eliot, Bloomsbury, 2007.

DI MANNO, Yves, GARRON, Isabelle (dir.) Un nouveau monde, poésie en France, 1960-2010. Un passage anthologique, Flammarion, 2017.

DUCROUX, Amélie, La Relation et l’absolu, lecture de la poésie d’Eliot, PUPS, 2014.

_____ « The Feeling of Thought : T. S. Eliot’s Programmatic Poetry », Transatlantica,


HERCEND, Olivier, « Le rapport au lecteur dans les textes de T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf et James Joyce », thèse de doctorat, 2019.

GIOCANTI, Stéphane, T. S. Eliot ou le monde en poussière, JC Lattès, 2002.

LANG, Abigail, La Conversation transatlantique : les échanges franco-américains en

poésie depuis 1968, Presses du Réel, 2020.

LOJKINE-MORELEC, Monique, T. S. Eliot : Essai sur la genèse d’une écriture, Klincksieck/Publications de la Sorbonne, 1985.

MARX, William, Naissance de la critique moderne : la littérature selon Eliot et Valéry,

Artois Presse Université, 2002.

PERLOFF, Marjorie, « Can(n)on to the Right of Us, Can(n)on to the Left of Us », in Poetic License: Essays on Modernist and Postmodernist Lyric, Evanston, Northwestern UP, 1990.

_____ 21st-Century Modernism, The « New » Poetics, Black-well Publishers, 2002.

NESME, Axel, « Canonical Agon in Post World-War II American Poetry Anthologies », dans Revue française d’études américaines, « Qui a peur des nouveaux canons ? », n°110, Belin, décembre 2006, pp. 42-60.

ROSAYE, Jean-Paul, T.S. Eliot, poète-philosophe : Essai de typologie génétique, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2000.

STAYER, Jayme (dir.) T. S. Eliot, France, and the Mind of Europe, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars, 2015.



FREER, Scott, « Remediating ‘Prufrock’ », Arts, MDPI, octobre 2020, › pdf

HUTCHEON, Linda, A Theory of Adaptation, New York, Routledge, 2012 (2nd Edition).

JENKINS, Henry, Convergence Culture, Where old and new media collide, NUY Press,


MAVRAKIS, Annie, « Francis Bacon, un moderne intempestif », Polysèmes [En ligne], 17 | 2017, mis en ligne le 30 avril 2017,



BENTLY, Lionel, « Copyright and the Death of the Author in Literature and Law », The

Modern Law Review, vol. 57, 1994.

GENTZLER, E. Translation and Rewriting in the Age of Post-Translation Studies, Abingdon, Routledge, 2017.

LEE, Tong King, « Translation and Copyright: toward a distributed view of originality and authorship, The Translator, vol. 26, n°3, 2020.