“A l’écoute des atmosphères multimédia : Beckett et Joyce à l’ère de la transmission technologique”, a text from Adrienne Janus for “Frontières sonores”, a section of the Axis “Boundaries of Literature” is online since june 26th, 2021.
The critic Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht proposes to read literature paying attention to the Stimmung (atmosphere), to the way in which literature envelops the reader with a veil of materiality and thus provides privileged access to an environment of the past or to another cultural space. What happens to this Stimmung when literature is remedied, when texts are transposed into other media and other spaces ? Adrienne Janus listens to two multimedia literary atmospheres: the performance of a novel by Beckett made by the Irish company Gare Saint Lazare, Ireland, and the interactive digital platform on which Jakub Wroblewski and Katarzina Bazarnik present First We Feel, Then We Fall, their adaptation of Finnegans Wake. With the ambition to compare the perceptual experience of readers, spectators, and multimedia “players”.