21 January 2022 - 15 h 00 min - 17 h 00 min
Organized by Claude Le Fustec
Related axis: Boundaries of Literature
This seminar will be three-fold: in January 2022 it will focus on literary methodology; in April 2022, it will explore different American schools of thoughts, and a third session in June will be devoted to the links between Samuel Beckett and the negative path.
The first two sessions on January 21 and 28 will propose a conceptual and semiological toolbox to analyze the spiritual in literature. The spiritual is more or less consciously developed by the author of a text. Sometimes it is experienced by the reader when she/he encounters the text – that is, when she/he interprets the signs in the text. In the current secularized context, the expression of the spiritual and its interpretation can take extremly varied forms contrary to previous times when these expressions and interpretations were overtly anchored in religious traditions.
The aim of the sessions is to shed light on the aesthetics of the development of the spiritual in literature. It consists in understanding the way in which literature expresses – for the writer – or allows to feel – for the reader – a spiritual experience.
On January 21st, we will use a semiotic approach to focus on the semiotic function of the figure, as exemplified by epiphany and kerygma among others. On January 28, we will examine the meaningful potentialities of a text’s structure, particularly to explain the development of the initiation phenomenon or the savior’s myth.
This seminar is co-hosted by Myriam Watthee-Delmotte and Claude Le Fustec. They will engage in a dialogue on literary theory with examples taken from French contemporary literature and Anglo-American literature.
Claude Le Fustec
Senior Lecturer – American Literature – Université Rennes 2. Visiting Research Fellow at the LARCA (UMR 8225)
Myriam Watthee-Delmotte
Researcher at FNRS and Professor emeritus of French contemporary literature at UCLouvain. Member of the Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium. Director of the Class of Letters and moral and political sciences.
Session will take place both in-person at the Université de Paris, Place Paul Ricoeur, Paris 13, Olympe de Gouges building, room 830, and online:
ID de réunion : 987 9778 6793
Code secret : 2mgUc0
Séminaires à l’initiative du réseau Theorias : https://intranet.univ-rennes2.fr/ace/reseau-theorias