14 June 2021 - 15 h 30 min - 17 h 30 min
Sandeep Bakshi will speak in a panel on the ethics of inclusivity in a panel titled Responsibility, Representation and Restrictions on 14 June at 4.30 (Paris time) at the York Festival of Ideas 2021.
For more information and booking:
Dr Sandeep Bakshi is Associate Professor of English Studies at the University of Paris Denis-Diderot. Sandeep researches on transnational queer and decolonial enunciation of knowledges. He received his PhD from the School of English, University of Leicester, UK, and is currently employed as an Associate Professor of Postcolonial and Queer Literatures and Literary Translation at the University of Paris. Co-editor of Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions (Oxford: Counterpress, 2016) and Decolonial Trajectories, special issue of Interventions (2020), he has published on queer and race problematics in postcolonial literatures and cultures.