« Des oiseaux, des voyelles et des rivières ». Marielle Macé (CNRS) @Environmental Humanities LARCA

Posted on June 7, 2023

07 June 2023 - 14 h 00 min - 16 h 00 min

The Environmental Humanities “traverse” of LARCA receives Marielle Macé on Wednesday June 7 at 2 p.m., in room 830, Olympe de Gouges building – 8, place Paul Ricoeur – Paris 75013

The title of his intervention is “Des oiseaux, des voyelles et des rivières. »

Marielle Macé is research director at the CNRS. Her research has successively focused on the genre of the essay, on literary memory and recourse to literature, and on a renewal of the thought of “style”, extended from the field of art to the qualification of life and of its forms, and to the values ​​that clash there.

Her books take literature as an ally in an understanding and critique of the forms of life; she is currently working on the solidarities between poetry and a broader anthropology (to things, to environments, to the commons, to areas to be defended, to plants, to animals, etc.). In particular, she is the author of:

·      Façons de lire, manières d’être (Gallimard, 2011)
·      Styles. Une critique de nos formes de vie (Gallimard, 2016)
·      Le Genre littéraire (Garnier-Flammarion, 2004, rééd., 2012)
·      Le Temps de l’essai (Belon, 2006)
·      Sidérer, considérer. Migrants en France 2017 (Verdier, 2017)
·      Nos cabanes (Verdier, 2019)
·      Une Pluie d’oiseaux (Corti, 2022)