07 June 2023 - 14 h 00 min - 16 h 00 min
The Environmental Humanities “traverse” of LARCA receives Marielle Macé on Wednesday June 7 at 2 p.m., in room 830, Olympe de Gouges building – 8, place Paul Ricoeur – Paris 75013
The title of his intervention is “Des oiseaux, des voyelles et des rivières. »
Marielle Macé is research director at the CNRS. Her research has successively focused on the genre of the essay, on literary memory and recourse to literature, and on a renewal of the thought of “style”, extended from the field of art to the qualification of life and of its forms, and to the values that clash there.
Her books take literature as an ally in an understanding and critique of the forms of life; she is currently working on the solidarities between poetry and a broader anthropology (to things, to environments, to the commons, to areas to be defended, to plants, to animals, etc.). In particular, she is the author of: