Colloque de la SEPC ‘Name of a discipline – Where are ‘postcolonial’ theories and practices going and what can we call them?’ soutenu par le Larca

Posted on January 28, 2021

28 January 2021 - Toute la journée

Deuxième colloque de la SEPC (Société d’Études des Pays du Commonwealth).

The second international conference of the French Society for the Study of Commonwealth Countries

The conference will take place online. If you wish to receive a link to attend the event, please register by noon (Paris time) on Wednesday 27 January 2021 at:

Please note that all the times of the sessions are Paris time.

Programme :

28 January, 2021
From 8:30: Connection to virtual conference room
8:45Conference opening
9:00 – 10:30
Panel 1: Labels
Chair: Claire OMHOVÈRE (Montpellier 3-Paul Valéry)
Marilyne BRUN (Université de Lorraine)
“Whose labels? Favouring Agency over Conceptual Dependence”
Jaine CHEMMACHERY (Sorbonne Université)
“What’s in a name? : Commonwealth literature, études postcoloniales et ce que décoloniser veut dire”
Sneharika ROY (The American University of Paris)
“In the Name of the Father: Edward Said’s Foundational Status in Postcolonial Studies”
11:00 – 12:30
Panel 2: World Literature(s)
Chair: Sandrine SOUKAÏ (Université Gustave Eiffel)
Dominic DAVIES (University of London, UK)
“The Weight of World Literature: Notes Toward Terrestrial Reading”
Rashi ROHATGI (Nord University, Norway)
“World Literature: An Inclusive Comparative Literature for Newly-Included Students”
Spencer W. SHIN (independent scholar)
“Mimicry and the Subaltern: The Dialectic of Humanism and Hegemony in Post-Independence Indian Shakespeare”
12:30 – 1:30 Break
1:30 – 2:30
Chair: Alexis TADIÉ (Sorbonne Université)
Ari GAUTIER, writer (Pondicherry / Oslo) and Professor Ananya Jahanara KABIR (King’s College, London)
“Creolising ‘Commonwealth’: Multilingual Pasts and the Postcolonial Present”
Panel 3: Shifting Scales
Chair: Karin FISCHER (Université d’Orléans)
Sandrine SOUKAÏ (Université Gustave Eiffel)
“Regional and Diasporic Mapping of the Postcolonial Field: From an Indian Postcolonial toward a Caribbean Postcolonial”
Manon BOUKHROUFA TRIJAUD (Sorbonne Université)
« Changer d’échelle, partir d’un genre »
P.J. BLOUNT (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
“Postcolonial Nomos”
Roundtable 1: Decolonising the curriculum and pedagogies
Moderator: Alexandra POULAIN (Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Sandeep BAKSHI (Université de Paris), Claire GALLIEN (Montpellier 3-Paul Valéry), Jaine CHEMMACHERY (Sorbonne Université), Fiona McCANN (Lille-IUF)
29 January, 2021
Roundtable 2: Journals
Moderator: Claire GALLIEN (Montpellier 3-Paul Valéry)
Janet WILSON (Journal of Postcolonial Writing / University of Northampton, UK)
Chris RINGROSE (Journal of Postcolonial Writing / Monash University)
Anastasia VALASSOPOULOS (Journal of Postcolonial Writing / Manchester University)
Christine LORRE-JOHNSTON (Commonwealth Essays and Studies / Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Claire OMHOVÈRE (Commonwealth Essays and Studies / Montpellier 3-Paul Valéry)
Chair: Vanessa GUIGNERY (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon)
Professor Priyamvada GOPAL, University of Cambridge, UK
“Whatever Happened to Anticolonialism? Reflections on ‘Decolonizing’ the Western University’’
11:30 – 1:00
Roundtable 3: Social Sciences and History
Moderator: Deirdre GILFEDDER (Paris-Dauphine)
Grégory ALBISSON (Grenoble Alpes), Sophie CROISY (UVSQ), Simon DESCHAMPS (Toulouse-Jean Jaurès), Paul HUSBANDS (historian, Waitangi Tribunal, Wellington, New Zealand), Myriam YACOUBI (Toulouse-Jean Jaurès)
1:00-2:00 Break
Panel 5: Knowledge Formation
Chair: Cédric COURTOIS (Lille)
Deepa JANI (SUNY Old Westbury, USA)
“Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions, Fanon, and the Bildung of the ‘Native Woman’”
Soiduate OGOYE-ATANGA (The University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria)
“Decolonizing the Cultural Object in an Age of Postcolonial Knowledge Formation”
Ishita ROY (University of Kalyani, India)
“Where is the Dalit? – A Caste Subaltern Critique of the ‘Post-Colonial’”
Panel 4: Lines of Oppression
Chair: Marine BELLEGO (Université de Paris)
Anna RINDFLEISCH (King’s College, London, UK)
“The Insidiousness of Gentrification: Reconsidering Attempted Urban-Culture Erasure as a Modern Colonialism”
Swati SIMHA (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India)
“Caste and Challenges to ‘Postcolony’ in Karnataka”
Nida SAJID (University of Minnesota, USA)
“‘So what of a tongue beyond English?’: (Post)colonial Theory and the Poetics of Transnational Justice”

Closing Debate & Drinks: Re-Naming a Discipline

Télécharger le programme :
