Les mondes d’Orsay · Changer la focale : histoires décentrées de la photographie · Daniel Foliard – February 15 @MuseeOrsay

Posted on February 8, 2022

Daniel Foliard
musée d’Orsay / Sophie Crépy

Many photographs at the musée d’Orsay show the stories of people and spaces marked by colonization. Through this conference of the Les Mondes d’Orsay series, Daniel Foliard, LARCA member, offers to help us look beyond what we ordinarily see in these pictures, brought back from colonial conquests.

At the age of colonization and conquests, photography was, among other instruments, one of the most triumphant symbol of modernity. Multiple photographs collected at the Musée d’Orsay yet reveal other stories of colonized populations and spaces. They tell us how this medium was not just a simple technology adopted progressively by people after it was invented but also a tool that was adapted to multiple usages according to historical and cultural contexts.


  • Daniel Foliard, Université de Paris / CNRS, Laboratoire de recherches sur les cultures anglophones


February 15 2022

7pm · auditorium

Orsay rencontres