‘After Peterloo: the British Risings of 1819-20’ – Robert Poole (Central Lancashire) – Franco-British History Seminar

Posted on February 3, 2022

03 February 2022 - 17 h 00 min - 18 h 30 min

Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e, 5 pm – 6:30 pm

(This session will be in-person only).

Thursday 3 February at 5pm, room D040 : Robert Poole (University of Central Lancashire), ‘After Peterloo: the British Risings of 1819-20’.



The nine months after the ‘Peterloo massacre’ of 16 August 1819 saw a dramatic series of mass protests and attempted uprisings. The best known are those described in Malcolm Chase’s book 1820:  the Cato Street conspiracy to assassinate the government in London, and the subsequent rebellions in Yorkshire, Ireland, and Scotland. 1819 however saw an extensive series of protests which continued and intensified the ‘mass platform’ movement which led up to Peterloo.  These varied from official town and county meetings sanctioned by local authorities to secretive gatherings in the north intended to set off armed uprisings. This paper will look at the connections between the mass platform movement and the armed conspiracies, asking: how close did Britain come to revolution after Peterloo? 

History of Parliament video: ‘What Happened After Peterloo?’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLl_RA4kxs0

Franco-British History Seminar – 2021-2022

  • Organized by: Sorbonne Université (Centre d’histoire du XIXe siècle ; Centre Roland Mousnier–UMR 8596 ; HDEA).
    In partnership with AGORA (Cergy Pontoise), the Institute of Historical Research (Londres), the Institut universitaire de France
    and the LARCA-UMR 8225 (Université de Paris).

The  History Seminar Franco-Britannique has been organised since 2000 at the University Paris-Sorbonne, now in partnership with the Institute of historical Research, London, and with the following research centres: AGORA (Cergy Pontoise), CREA (Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense), CREW (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle),  CRULH (Lorraine), LARCA (Université de Paris) and the  Maison française d’Oxford. Every year, the programme conveys the latest insights from foreign and French-based researchers in British history, medieval, modern and contemporary British history. Phd and master degree students as well as all researchers with an interest in British history are welcome.

Sessions on Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm.

At the Maison de recherché de l’université Paris-Sorbonne (28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e).

Room D421 (screens at the entrance confirm location)

The year’s programme is on the SFB website HERE

Talks are taped and archived on the website of the Institute of historical Research Here.


  • Thursday 10 February: Christian Liddy (Durham), ‘Towns and Lords in Late Medieval England and Continental Europe’
  • Thursday 17 February: Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (University College London):  ‘No More Walls. Homelessness in London after 1945’
  • Thursday 24 February: Niall O’Flaherty (King’s College London) : ‘Malthus and the Discovery of Poverty’
  • Thursday 10 March: Andrew Mackillop (Glasgow), ‘Scots in long eighteenth-century London’
  • Thursday 17 March: Thomas C. Jones (Buckingham) : “The Foreign Jews Protection Committee: refugee protection and relief in First World War Britain”
  • Thursday 24 March: Nigel Leask (Glasgow) : “‘As Little Known as… Kamtschatka’: Reflection on the Highland Tour in the Long 18th Century’
  • Thursday 31 March: Hugh McLeod (Birmingham), on his book Le déclin de la chrétienté en Occident. Autour de la crise religieuse des années 1960 (traduit par Elise Trogrlic, Labor et Fides, 2021)
  • Thursday 7 April: Barbara Crosbie (Durham) : ‘The Rising Generations: Age Relations and Cultural Change in Eighteenth-Century England’
  • Thursday 14 April: Chris Manias (Kings College London), ‘The Age of Mammals: Nature, Development and Palaeontology in the long nineteenth century’
  • Thursday 21 April: Emma Griffin (East Anglia), on her book Bread Winner. An Intimate History of the Victorian Economy (Yale University Press, 2020)
  • Thursday 12 May: Laura King (Leeds), ‘The School Case of Poor Harold: Families’ multi-generational remembrance of deceased children in twentieth-century England’