Laurence Cros

Research themes
- Canadian historiography
- Canadian foreign policy
- The building of national identity in Canada
- History and fiction
Current Project
- Politics and national identity in Canada è Canada and the North: the Arctic in the national narrative from Stephen Harper to Justin Trudeau
- Historical fiction è British Canada in Mazo de la Roche’s Jalna: popular historical fiction and the construction of a settler colonial state
Research Supervision:
- Canadian history and culture
- National identity of Canada
- History and fiction
Education and Academic Positions:
Dr. Laurence Cros is an associate professor in the Department of English Studies of Université de Paris, where she teaches American and Canadian history and culture. She received the Agregation d’Anglais in 1991 and a Ph.D. in Canadian Studies from the Université Paris III- Sorbonne nouvelle in 1998. After working on the interaction between the writing of Canadian history and nation building, she went on to study how Canadian identity is defined and promoted through Canada’s foreign and domestic policies, including migration policies. While she continues to be interested in the various interactions between Canadian policies and national identity, she is beginning to develop a new research theme on historical fiction. Since 2018, she is the editor-in-chief of the journal Études Canadiennes/Canadiennes Studies. She also coordinated the research project “Taking a Closer Look at Historical Fiction” as part of the cross-axis project “Writing history from the margins” of UMR LARCA 8225.
Administrative Responsibilities:
- Coordinator of international relations, UFR d’Études Anglophones
- Editor-in-chief of Études Canadiennes/Canadian Studies
- Member of the editorial board of IdeAs – Idées d’Amérique
Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies, vol. 96, juin 2024
Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies 93, 2022
Le Temps des Médias N° 37
Selected articles
- “A Comparison of Stephen Harper’s and Justin Trudeau’s Arctic Narratives: Toward a New Geography of the Canadian North”, International Journal of Canadian Studies 62, July 2024, 5-38.
- « Angélique : vers une écriture féministe de l’histoire de l’Amérique française ». Pop-En-Stock. Dossier thématique : La fiction historique grand public, servante de l’histoire. 2021.
- « Demandes d’asile à la frontière américano-canadienne : l’Entente entre le Canada et les États-Unis sur les tiers pays sûrs et les valeurs canadiennes ». IdeAs 18, octobre 2021.
- “The Syrian Refugee Crisis, Multiculturalism Issues, and Integration in Canada”. The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises, edited by Cecilia Menjívar, Marie Ruiz, and Immanuel Ness. New York: Oxford University Press. 2018, 759-782.
- “Ramsay Cook, historien, intellectuel, mentor”. Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies 83, December 2017, 71-175.
- “The narrative of Canada as a peacekeeping nation since the 1990s : permanence and evolution of a national paradigm”. International Journal of Canadian Studies 52, Fall 2015, 83-106.
- « L’antiaméricanisme au Canada : une étude de caricatures politiques », Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies 76, juin 2014, 103-132.
- “Canada’s Entry in the Organization of American States : Change and Continuity in Canadian Identity.” International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis 67, September 2012, 725-746.