Marie Potvain

PhD candidate in public health

Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • Dissertation Topic:
    Genres and sexualities in TV series series: A study of serial audiovisual works as tools for promoting youth sexual health.
    Supervised  by: Ariane Hudelet et Corinne Albert

Current Project




  • 2020 – 2023 PhD candidate at Cité du Genre of UPC.
  • 2018 – 2020 Master of Social and cultural Anthropology, University of Paris
    Thesis: “Feminine-Masculine. The pole a hyphen or a separation? A study of the pole
  • 2012-2015 – Trained nurse diploma








      • Apr. 7-8, 2022 “TV Series, a way to rethink sex education in multidisciplinarity”
        Interdisciplinary conference: “Rethinking disciplines through television series. Epistemological perspectives”, University Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3.
      • Apr. 7-8, 2021 ” In lost (or found?) bodies. When field practice puts the conception of ethnographic inquiry to the test”. Paper presented at the conference: Researchers facing the field(s): being put to the test, proving themselves. DySoLab, University of Rouen – Normandy.
      • Feb. 19, 2020 “Negotiating the fieldwork. Building the legitimacy of an anthropological study on a recently developed physical activity with a strong gendered dimension.” Communication realized during the Study Day of the Master Egal’Aps: Physical and sports activities, gender and sexuality. AEQUALI’SPORT Association, L-Vis laboratory, UFR Staos de Lyon.
      • Jan. 17, 2020 “Around commensality: how, through food socialization, are issues of the migration process expressed?” Public restitution at the Refugee House (Boulevard Jourdan, Paris). Presentation of the work done in the framework of the Migrantour project with the Musée de l’Homme and Bastina Voyage.
      • June 27-28, 2019 “Humanities and medical/paramedical curricula. Between reconciliations and difficulties of applications “. Paper presented at the 8th Congress of the Collège des Humanités Médiacales (COLHUM): Health research and training of caregivers: acting in the ongoing revolutions, APHP, CNRS, Université Paris Diderot.
      • May 21-23, 2019 “Issues in the development of Pole Dance as a sport. Social and gender issues that question sport practices” Paper presented at the 10th International Congress of the Society of Sociology of Sport in French Language (3SLF), Sports practices, social logics and territorial issues, MSHA, ESPE Aquitaine, LACES, Faculty of STAPS of the University Bordeaux Montaigne.
      • March 11, 2019 ” Pole Dance : body approach and gender issues”  Communication realized during the study day of the association Mauvais Genre.s: Body, constraints and power, MSHA, Climas, Université Bordeaux Montaigne.


      • December 2022 « Alternative poles. How to make pole dance a sport without erasing its identity. A tensed institutionalization », revue ¿ Interrogations ?, N° 35 – De la création à la contestation : délimiter les sports alternatifs [en ligne],,752 (Consulté le 22 décembre 2022).
      • Fev. 2021 « “Because up there I am beautiful and strong” A pole dancing study », Cahiers de sociologie économique et culturelle, n°64 : Pratiques sportives et identités sociales, Coord. Suchet André et Soulier Pauline, pp. 17-40
      • Juin 2021 « When poles are dancing. Testimonies of a moving practice », Revue en ligne En marges !,  n°6 : Varia []
      • Juin 2021 Testimonial « Caregivers caught between the health crisis and neoliberal hospital reforms», Les mondes du travail, n°26,  Dossier : Travailler en temps de pandémie, pp. 61-68