Stéphanie Prévost

Senior lecturer in 19th-century British history and culture
Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles
Research themes
- Long 19th-century British political history (domestic, foreign, imperial) & global interconnections (Ottoman Empire, India, Europe)
- Victorian Orientalism(s) and political, religious, cultural representations of “the East”
- New diplomatic history, especially ornamental diplomacy and table diplomacy
- Liberal internationalism & 19-early 20th century designs of a new world order
- Histories of humanitarianism (theory & practice)
Current Project
- Special issue (forthcoming) co-edited with Prof Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris Cité) on “Diplomatic Gifts & Counter-Gifts: Britain and the Muslim East” (Revue française de civilisation britannique journal)
- My research is now geared towards 19th-early 20th-century histories of humanitarianism and liberal internationalisms as part of the junior fellowship of the Institut universitaire de France she was recently awarded. In particular, I examine non-state actor contributions crafting international ideas and practices of refuge in the late 1890s-early 1900s as a solid contribution to the emergence of a first international refugee regime in the immediate aftermath of WW1.
Research Supervision:
- Long 19th-century British political history (domestic, foreign, imperial) & global interconnections
- Refugee History (19-20th centuries); history of migration
- Humanitarianism (19-20th centuries)
- Press & Politics, especially the foreign-language press (19th– early 20th centuries)
- History & International law (19-20th centuries)
Education and Academic Positions:
- 2010: Phd in English Studies (History & Civilization), Tours University. Title: “La Question d’Orient dans la culture politique britannique : réception et influences (1875-1898) » under the supervision of Prof. Trevor Harris
- 2006 – Agrégée d’anglais (option civilisation)
- Since September 2011 : Senior Lecturer at Université Paris Cité
- Currently junior member of the Institut universitaire de France
Administrative Responsibilities:
- Director (2020-22) and now Co-director (since September 22) of the History & Politics Group at LARCA (with Prof. Daniel Foliard)
- Co-organiser of the HISTPOL seminar & of the Franco-British History Seminar (Université Sorbonne)
- Elected board member of LARCA,UMR-8225 (2019-)
- Board member of the Transfopress network (for the study of the allophone press)
- Editorial board member of the Etudes arméniennes contemporaines journal (since 2016) & of the Journal of Liberal History (since 2020).
Humanitarianism and intervention from the 1890s to the present
Selected Publications:
- Immigration and Exile Foreign-Language Press in the UK and in the US: Connected Histories of the 19th & 20th centuries, Edited volume with Bénédicte Deschamps (Université Paris Cité), Bloomsbury University Press, forthcoming November 2023
- ‘Managing Ottoman Armenian Refugee Flows during the Hamidian Massacres (1894-1898) & Immigration Restrictions: British Liberal Imperial Humanitarianism at Stake’, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, accepted, forthcoming 2023
- ‘Humanitarian Accountability: Anglo-American Relief at the time of the Hamidian massacres (1894-8)’, in: Jo Laycock & Francesca Piana (eds.), Aid to Armenia: Humanitarianism and intervention from the 1890s to the present, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020, 17-33.
- Le Touran : entre mythes, orientalisme et construction identitaire, Edited volume with Avec Anna Caiozzo (Université de Bordeaux) & Laurent Dedryvère (Université Paris Cité),Valenciennes : Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, mai 2019.
- ‘“A reformed Buddhism […] would help in the distant future to bring about a mutual understanding”: Max Müller’s conception of religious reform, ecumenical dialogue and world peace’ (co-authored with Laurent Dedryvère), Publications of the English Goethe Society, in John Davis & Angus Nicholls, “Friedrich Max Müller and the Role of Philology in Victorian Thought” special issue, 85/2-3 (September 2016), pp. 204-216.
Publications and papers in the open archive HAL :*/authFullName_s/St%c3%a9phanie+Prevost