
Res-Sources – « Réseau documentaire et historique sur les eaux minérales 1650-1850 » – Projet Emergence 2022-2023
Le projet « Réseau documentaire et historique sur les eaux minérales 1650-1850 » (Res-Sources) est lauréat de l’appel Emergence en Recherche 2021 de l’Université de Paris. Les eaux minérales sont au XVIIIe siècle un enjeu central des savoirs et des pratiques...
PSP – Penser les séries en pandémie – Projet Émergence 2022-2024
The project « TV Series in the Pandemic Era » received an Emergence-Idex grant in 2021. The project analyzes the effects of the sanitary crisis on the serial form, at the level of production, representations, and reception. We focus on what makes the...
EyCon – Early Conflict Photography and Visual AI – Chaire Idex – Labex Passé dans le Présent / AHRC
Recent digitisation efforts of historical photographs by archival institutions have often been done in silo. This is an issue for researchers and archivists, but it also raises the question of public uses of history when it comes to contemporary perspectives on...EyCon – Early Conflict Photography and Visual AI – Labex Passé dans le Présent / AHRC
Recent digitisation efforts of historical photographs by archival institutions have often been done in silo. This is an issue for researchers and archivists, but it also raises the question of public uses of history when it comes to contemporary perspectives on...