- 17-18 octobre à Lille
- 19 octobre à Paris
Télécharger le programme ici.
Le programme détaillé :
- October 17th (Lille)
9.00-9.45am Registration
9.45-10am Welcome
10.00-11.00am Plenary address by Cody Marrs “On Melville and Beauty”
11.00-11.15am Coffee break
11.15am-12.45pm Session 1
Panel 1 Poetic Measures (Chair: Elizabeth Duquette)
- Samuel Otter: “Moby-Dick, Prose, and Poetry: Regarding the ‘Extracts’”
- Katie McGettigan: “Measuring the Noise of War in Battle-Pieces”
- Mathieu Duplay: “Surviving the Wreck: Herman Melville, Alice Goodman, and the Power
of Catastrophe”
12.45-2.00pm Lunch
2.00-3.30pm Session 2
Panel 2 Arithmetics of Pain (Chair: Meredith Farmer)
- Thomas Constantinesco: “‘I must calculate over again’: Melville’s Measure of Pain”
- David Blake: “‘Keep thy finger on it’: The Prosthetics of Measurement in Moby–Dick”
- Ryan Heryford: “The ‘Odd Inches’: Melville’s Measured Incorporeal”
Panel 3 Melville’s Approximations (Chair: Helene Cottet)
- Federico Bellini: “‘I did not trouble myself with the odd inches’: Approximating Melville”
- Daniel Jenkin-Smith: “‘An interesting and somewhat singular set of men’: Computing
Clerkdom in ‘Bartleby’”
- Beatrix Pernelle: “‘Bartleby’’s Measurings and Figurings: The Writer’s Impossible
Accounting of the Other”
3.30-4pm Coffee Break
4-5.30pm Session 3
Panel 4 (Un)disciplined bodies? (Chair: Samuel Otter)
- Edouard Marsoin: “‘Of men, [fat men] are the good measures’: Melville’s Diets”
- Arturo Corujo: “On the (Im)possibility of Giving a Measure of Oneself: Anatomy, Narration,
and Subjectivity in Herman Melville’s White-Jacket”
- Pilar Martinez Benedi: “‘Where was White-Jacket then?’: Spatial Confinement and
Unbounded Corporeality in Melville’s Man-of-War
Panel 5 “Mere unintelligible words”: Experiencing Language (Chair: Richard Anker)
- Christopher Christiansen: “‘Alack the stones!’: Stumbling on Language in Clarel”
- K. L. Evans: “Back to Rough Ground: Rethinking the ‘Critique of Language’ with Melville”
- Amy R. Nestor: “Things, Pulsing: The Poetic Measure of Pierre”
October 18th (Lille)
9.00-10.30am Session 4
Panel 6 Rescaling Melville (1): The Measures of Revolutions (Chair: Edouard Marsoin)
- Duncan Faherty: “‘Melville knew the score’: Remeasuring ‘Benito Cereno’as an Index of
the Globality of the Black Atlantic”
- Elizabeth Duquette: “The Fog of Tyranny in ‘Benito Cereno’”
- Jennifer Greiman: “Melville’s Gravity: Force, Mood, Revolution”
10.30-11am Coffee break
11.00am-12.30pm Session 5
Panel 7 Measures of Authority: Deconstructive Approaches (chair: Thomas Dutoit)
- Richard Anker: “The Measure of Authority. Figuring the Political and Deconstructing the
Death Penalty in Billy Budd, Sailor”
- Nicholas Spengler: “‘Like the needle to the load-stone’: Emergency Politics and the
Foundation of Authority in White-Jacket and Moby-Dick “
- Tae Sung: “The Unappropriated Gift: Melville and the Measureless Measure of the
Panel 8 Chartless Voyages (chair: Michel Imbert)
- Julien Negre: “The World in a Footnote: Examining Ahab’s Chart in Chapter 44 of Moby-
- Divyajyoti Singh: “Moby-Dick to Modern Science Writing: Quantum Understanding,
Cosmic Quests”
- Odile Gannier: “Ephemeris and Celestial Navigation: Melville on Board a ‘World-frigate' »
12.30-1.30pm Lunch
1.30-2.30pm Session 6
Panel 9 Melville’s Frequencies (Chair: Katie McGettigan)
- Marcy Dinius: “Some bold or indelicate expression: Reading the Asterisks in ‘Benito
- Alex Benson: “The Waveform of ‘The Encantadas’”
Panel 10 Tracing Melville (Chair: Nicholas Spengler)
- Tony McGowan: “Melville’s Reliquary Reformations”
- Yuji Kato: “Herman Melville in the Measurement of Contemporary Cultures:
Transplantations of his Texts in Leos Carax’s POLA X and Kenzaburo Oe’s Death by Water”
October 19th (Paris)
9.30-10.30am Plenary address by Branka Arsić: “Coral Psyches: Melville on Minds and
10.30-11am Coffee Break
11.00am-12.30pm Session 7
Panel 11 Rescaling Melville (2): Microscopic and Macroscopic Measures (Chair: Michael
- Maurice S. Lee: “Reckoning Melville”
- Paul Hurh: “Big Print: Melville, Media, Magnitude”
- Ed Sugden: “December 16, 1850”
Panel 12 Wandering in “the World of Mind” (Chair: Thomas Constantinesco)
- Ross Martin: « Feeling Demonic Limits in Melville”
- Jonathan Schroeder: “The Whiteness of the Will: Race and the Measure of Monomania”
- Ronald Paul: “‘… of the final rib’: A Positivist Dispute in Arsacidean Theology”
12.30-1.30pm Lunch
1.30-3.00pm Session 8
Panel 13 “If money’s to be the measurer, man…:” Melville’s Economies (Chair: Jonathan
- Rodrigo Andres: “Houses as Measures of Alternative Temporalities in Herman Melville’s
Short Stories”
- Joe Conway: “Melville’s Monies”
- Douglass Furrh: “The Pecuniary Part of the Business: Delano’s Know Nothingism and the
Piracy of Capitalism in ‘Benito Cereno’”
Roundtable Melville Studies in Europe
3.00-3.30pm Coffee break
3.30-5.30pm Session 9
Panel 14 “The System does not proceed”: Melville’s Subversive Science (Chair: Paul Hurh)
- Michael Jonik: “Melville’s Subversive Geometry”
- Meredith Farmer: “‘Death trellised life’: Melville and the Model of Early Organic
- Hannah Murray: « The Character of Whiteness: Race Science and Bartleby »
- Michel Imbert: « ‘Angels, Angles, Triangles in Pierre; or, the Ambiguities«
5.30pm Cocktail