Colloques 2016-2017

Le Canada et ses définitions, 1867-2017

14-16 juin 2017

14 -16 juin 2017. Le 1er juillet 2017, le Canada fêtera le cent-cinquantième anniversaire de la Confédération. L’Association française d’études canadiennes (A...

Herbert in Paris

18 – 21 mai 2017

18 mai au 21 mai 2017 In 1618 George Herbert wrote to his brother Henry, who was in Paris, imploring him to make the best of his time there: “Bee covetous, then, of all g...

American Literature and the Philosophical

23-25 Mars 2017

23-25 Mars 2017 Taking literature as a mode of thinking and philosophy as a way of writing, this conference will interrogate the boundaries and explore the crossings betw...
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