Juin 14, 2017 | Colloques 2016-2017
14 -16 juin 2017. Le 1er juillet 2017, le Canada fêtera le cent-cinquantième anniversaire de la Confédération. L’Association française d’études canadiennes (AFEC), en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de recherche sur les cultures anglophones (LARCA) de...
Juin 7, 2017 | Colloques 2016-2017
June 7, 2017 – June 8, 2017 Held in connection with the release of the third volume of the Terra Foundation Essays, Circulation, edited by François Brunet (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7), these study days will enlarge upon the main argument of the book: that...
Juin 1, 2017 | Colloques 2016-2017
1-3 juin 2017 http://www.paris-sorbonne.fr/IMG/pdf/colloque_hocquardprogramme_definitif-1.pdf
Mai 18, 2017 | Colloques 2016-2017
18-19 mai 2017 Télécharger le programme
Mai 18, 2017 | Colloques 2016-2017
18 mai au 21 mai 2017 In 1618 George Herbert wrote to his brother Henry, who was in Paris, imploring him to make the best of his time there: “Bee covetous, then, of all good you see in Frenchmen, whether it be in knowledge, or in fashion, or in words; …so shall you...
Mar 23, 2017 | Colloques 2016-2017
23-25 Mars 2017 Taking literature as a mode of thinking and philosophy as a way of writing, this conference will interrogate the boundaries and explore the crossings between the philosophical and the literary in American literature from the Colonial era to the...