Scapes. Poésie anglophone
Cahiers Charles V, hors-série 2006
Paul Volsik
Editeur : Persée
Parution : 2006-12-19 10:37:52
| Table des matières | Critiques
Table des matières
- Sous la direction de Paul Volsik [Éditeur intellectuel] Abigail Lang [Éditeur intellectuel]
- « Catch thy self the landskip » : mimesis, landscape and the self in thomson’s seasons [article], Pierre Carboni
- Romantic scaping [article], Marc Porée
- Le cadre montagneux du prélude de Wordsworth [article], Pascale Guibert
- Scapes, espace spectral, espace spéculaire dans la poésie de Swinburne [article], Sabine de Barbeyrac
- Inscape : Hopkins et le formalisme halluciné [article], Jean-Marie Lecomte
- Geoffrey Hill’s shifting scapes [article], Adrian Grafe
- « God’s scattered text » : wordscape and escape in George Szirtes’ « Portrait of my father in an english landscape » [article], John Sears
- Tales of love, scapes and mindscapes in Seamus Heaney’s Field work and John Montague’s The great cloak [article], Jessica Stephens
- Inscapes — paysages intérieurs et images de la profondeur : la poésie de Medbh Mcguckian [article], Pascale Amiot-Jouenne
- Character-Scape in Wang Ping’s The magic whip : scraping the shape of Chinese characters to revisit their scope [article], Cécile Cormier
- The form of the inscape, or the landscape of the shadow [article], Christine Savinel
- « No-mind-scape » : the « negative capability » of Jackson Mac Low’s poetics [article], Hélène Aji
- At Egypt de Clark Coolidge : vers un paysage « détouristique » ? [article], Antoine Cazé
- Landscape and language in Rosmarie Waldrop’s The road is everywhere or stop this body [article], Abigail Lang
- «The landscape (body) of the poem» : les glissements du paysage chez Stephen Ratcliffe [article], Vincent Broqua
- Between or on the edges : margins and parentheses as taskscapes in Susan Howe’s « Melville’s marginalia » [article], Elisabeth Joyce
- “This important volume from an authoritative international team of authors sheds significant new light on the comparative development of post-war Conservatism in the western world.”
– Stuart Ball, Professor Emeritus, University of Leicester, UK - “The rich essays collected in this illuminating volume show that the rise of right-wing politics in the United Kingdom, the United States, and France since the 1970s was a remarkably transnational phenomenon. As they attacked social democracy and cultural pluralism, right-wing movements borrowed ideas, visions, vocabularies, and tactics from each other, adapting them to their own national idioms and using advances in one country to win advances elsewhere. Anyone interested in confronting the problems that have proliferated in the wake the right’s reconfiguration of politics – surging inequality, belligerent ethno-nationalism, worker disempowerment and insecurity, and lost faith in the capacity for democratic self-government – has much to learn about the origins of these problems from this important book.”
– Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University, USA, author of Collision Course