Celia Galey-Gambier

Postdoctoral fellow at the Labex “Créations, Arts et Patrimoines.” Affiliated with the laboratory “Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l’Art”, EA 4100 – Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and with the Centre Pompidou.


Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • Contemporary American poetry
  • Performance art: written forms, documents, performances, and remakes
  • Politics and aesthetics

Current Project

  • Places and Non-places in Jackson Mac Low’s Performance Writing (1922-2004)
  • Supervised by: Pr. Antoine Cazé
  • Defended 12 November 2016


  • PhD in American poetry (Paris-Diderot University – Paris VII)
  • Certified high school English teacher (Agrégée)
  • MA of English studies (ENS-Lyon)
  • BA of French literature (Lyon Lumière University – Lyon II)
  • Alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure of Lyons
  • Certificate of music studies from the regional conservatory of Lyons (theory, piano & chamber music performance)




      • “Jackson Mac Low redefines the limits of notation: writing, performing… and scoring out?”. AFEA (pending publication)
      • “Sharing and Distributing the Sensible in Jackson Mac Low’s Dance-instruction-poems The Pronouns (1964).” Lectures du Monde Anglophone/ Perspectives on the English-speaking World (pending review)