Daniel Foliard

Professor Personal website : https://cnrs-bellevue.academia.edu/DanielFoliard Eycon Website : https://eycon.hypotheses.org/

Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • Imperial and colonial history
  • History of photography
  • History of cartography


Research Supervision

I welcome applications from candidates wishing to undertake doctoral research in the following areas:

  • British Imperialism in Africa and Asia
  • History of photography (19th century and early 20th century)
  • Transimperial history
  • Colonial knowledge
  • Colonial warfare
  • British History, “long” 19th century


Current Project

  • Visual AI and early conflict photography
  • Photographic encounters and exchanges in imperial and colonial contexts


  • 1999, Agrégation d’histoire
  • 2011, Ph.D., University Paris Sorbonne. Dissertation Title: La Terre Vague : la genèse du Moyen-Orient dans les savoirs et la culture britanniques de 1850 à 1914
  • 2019, Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Title :  Combattre, Punir, Photographier. Images françaises et britanniques des guerres extra-européennes, 1890-1914 
  • 2012-2021, Lecturer, Université Paris Nanterre
  • 2021-present, Professor, Université de Paris




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