
Thèmes de recherche

My research focuses on the circulation of gendered and decolonial discourses of identity between the United States and Western Europe, placing particular emphasis on the Atlantic area as a space of transformation, in the “long” twentieth century.

  • Philosophy between the US and France (French theory, American queer theory)
  • European migration and the American West in art history and cinema
  • Visual avant-gardes 1945-1970 and transatlantic travel

Recherche en cours


  • ATER of English for visual arts, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2021-
  • PRAG of English, department of Civil Engineering, 2019-2021
  • Temporary Lecturer in Gender and Sexuality Studies, American University of Paris, 2014-2016, 2018-2019.
  • ATER in the department of Études Anglophones, University of Amiens, 2017-2018.
  • Classed first in the Agrégation pour docteur.rice.s in English, 2018
  • Passed the CAPES of English, 2017.
  • PhD on avant-garde theatre, the University of Exeter, 2009-2012.




      Selected publications:

      • Monograph: Afterlife of the Theatre of the Absurd: The Avant-Garde, Spectatorship, and Psychoanalysis, Peter Lang, 2018
      • Co-edited special edition:“Queering the Second Wave: Anglo-French Dialogues”, Paragraph: A Journal of Critical Theory 41:3 (2018), co-edited with Lisa Downing.



      • “Admirable Alterity on the Frontier: French Women’s Agency in the Hollywood Western”, Transatlantica 1 (2020).
      • “The Hurt and Healing of ‘Brexitannia’: Towards a Gendered Take on Brexit Visual Culture”, Open Arts Journal 8 (2020).
      • “In-Yer-Face Mouths and Immobilisation: Parodies of Samuel Beckett’s Theatre in Sarah Kane”, Polysèmes 23 (2020). Special issue on British Women and Parody.
      • “Decolonial Queer Feminism in Donna Haraway’s ‘Cyborg Manifesto’,” Paragraph: A Journal of Critical Theory3: 317-332 (2018). Edinburgh University Press.
      • “Reaching for Archive Fever: A Tall Tale About Queer Made in France”, Paragraph: A Journal of Critical Theory3 (2016): 319-334.
      • “Standing Up Against the Rape Joke: Irony and its Vicissitudes”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 40 (2015): 963-84.
      • “Going Global: The Stars of French Theory and French Cinema”, Journal of Romance Studies 12, no. 2 (2012): 59-74.



      • “Getting Lippy with the Patriarchy: Contemporary Women Artists’ ‘Lip-Art’”, Performing Arousal: Precarious Bodies and Frames of Representation, co-edited by Yana Meerzon and Julia Listengarten. London: Bloomsbury, 2021.
      • “A French Unsettlement of the Frontier: Love and the Threatened American Dream in Heaven’s Gate (1980)”, Love in Western Film and Television: Lonely Hearts and Happy Trails, edited by Sue Matheson. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.



      • “The Idea of America: Flags, African Americans, and the Far West in Ouverture, the inaugural exhibition of the Pinault Collection at the Bourse de Commerce|, Miranda 23 (2021).
      • “Pause and Re-set: Reflections on the Virtual Theatre Festival ‘The Work of Adrienne Kennedy: Inspiration and Influence’”, Miranda 22 (2021).