Antoine Cazé

Professor of American Literature and Literary Translation

Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • American Poetry 19th-20th Centuries
  • Literary Theory
  • Translation Studies

Current Project

  • « Dickinson Composed », commissioned article for The Oxford Handbook of Emlily Dickinson (publ. 2020), Cristanne Miller & Karen Eppler-Sanchez, eds.
  • Proceedings of the Emily Dickinson International Society Conference, Paris 2016, Experimental Dickinson. To be published by Peter Lang International
  • Book in progress : Experimental Form and Subjectivity in Contemporary American Writing

MA and PhD Dissertation Supervision

  • American Literature
  • Translation


A former student of the École Normale Supérieure Fontenay St Cloud (class of 1982), Antoine Cazé holds a PhD in American Literature (Université Paris Diderot, 1992). His dissertation was on Emily Dickinson, studying the poetic figures of religious heterodoxy in her œuvre, of which he remains an internationally renowned specialist.

In 1999, Prof. Cazé defended his Habilitation à diriger des recherches (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), with a memoir on « Lyricism and Formalism in American Poetry ». The study of post-lyric poetry and the relationships between personal voice and impersonal composition procedures is one of the core interests of his research in American poetry.

Between 1992 and 2008, Antoine Cazé was Maître de Conférences then Professor at the University of Orléans, where he created and ran an MA Program in Editorial Translation.

In 2008, he was appointed Professor at Université Paris Diderot. He runs the MA Program in Literary Translation in the English and American Studies Department. In the LARCA, he is in charge of the Observatoire de la Littérature Américaine (ODELA), a research group devoted to the study of cutting-edge experimental American literature.

A professional literary translator since 1999, he has published over 20 books with renowned publishers such as Christian Bourgois, L’Olivier, Gallimard, Monsieur Toussaint Louverture, Ypsilon, Grèges, HYX, Piranha. He was awarded the 2005 Maurice-Edgar Coindreau Prize for the best translation of an American book, and the Laure Bataillon Prize in 2014. He was an elected board member of ATLAS (Assises de la Traduction Littéraire en Arles), as well as a member of several expert committees at the Centre National du Livre (Ministry of Culture).

Antoine Cazé has written some 85 research articles on American literature, and two books on poets John Ashbery and Hilda Doolittle.

Since 2015, Antoine Cazé has served as Vice-President for International Relations at Université Paris Diderot.

Research and Teaching Responsibilities

  • Corédacteur en chef de la Revue française d’études américaines (2012-2015)
  • Responsable de l’Observatoire de la littérature américaine (ODELA), au sein de l’axe « Frontières du littéraire » du LARCA
  • Codirecteur du Centre d’études sur la traduction (CET) de l’Université Paris Diderot
  • Responsable pédagogique du Parcours Traduction littéraire professionnelle dans le Master d’études anglophones




      • John Ashbery : à contre-voix de l’Amérique. Paris : Belin, Coll. « Voix Américaines », 2000. 128 pages.
      • “Alterna(rra)tives: Syntactic Spaces and Self-Construction in the Writing of Lyn Hejinian and Leslie Scalapino” In Diana von Finck & Oliver Scheiding, dir. Ideas of Order in Contemporary American Poetry. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2007, 197-214.
      • Histoire de la littérature américaine. Paris : P.U.F., collection « Amphi Licence », 2010. 261 pages. (avec Marc Amfreville et Claire Fabre).
      • Écrire entre les murs. Trilogy de H.D. Paris : P.U.F., 2013. 145 pages.

        « Clarid Vision : H.D. on the Threshold of Theory ». Transatlantica 2.2014.

      See publications on HAL