Andy Cabot


Research themes

  • Dissertation Topic:
    “Slavery, Empires and Diplomacy : France, Great-Britain and the United States in the Atlantic World, (c.1795-c.1815)”
    thesis defended on January 12, 2021
    Supervised  by: Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (supervisor) and Allan Potofsky (co-supervisor)
  • Dissertation Prize in 2022 awarded by The Fondation pour la Mémoire de l’Esclavage

I am a researcher specializing in the history of slavery and abolition in the Atlantic world during a pivotal period in the era of revolutions (1789 – 1815).

My thesis explored the repercussions of the Haitian Revolution (1791 – 1804) on the processes of abolition of the slave trade and slavery in the Americas (United States, Caribbean) and in Europe (France, Great Britain).

The main themes of my research are as follows:

  • Slavery and Abolition in the Atlantic world during the Age of Revolutions (mid-18th century – mid-19th century)
  • Property, slaveowners, and the slave trade in the Atlantic world in the 19th century
  • Comparative history of slave societies in the Americas (Caribbean, United States)
  • The legacy of slavery : race and reparations (United States, France and Great Britain)

Current Project

In the future, my research would like to focus on the British Empire’s policies of slavery expansion during the 1790s and 1800s, as well as on the difficult implementation of an imperial abolitionist policy by the British Empire during the first nineteenth century until the abolition of slavery by Parliament between 1833 and 1838. More broadly, I would also like to pursue a wider project on the weight of slavery (economic, human, cultural) and its representations in relations between the United States and Great Britain during the antebellum period (1815 – 1860).


  • Université Saint-Quentin en Yvelines : 2021–2023
    Adjunct Lecturer, Institute of Cultural and International Studies (IECI)
  • Paris Diderot University-Université de Paris : 2015 – 2021.
    PhD, English and American Studies Department.
    Dissertation Title : “Slavery, Empires and Diplomacy : France, Great-Britain and the United States in the Atlantic World, (c.1795-c.1815)”.
  • Paris Diderot University: 2012 – 2015
    MA, English and American studies (specialization: American Civilization), Summa Cum Laude.
    Thesis title: ‘The Revolution of Abolition: Empire, Slavery and Diplomacy in the Atlantic World, 1789-1795’  Supervision: Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (advisor)
  • Duke University, 2013-2014
    MA 2nd year, Romance Studies Department, Exchange study, Bilateral agreements Paris Diderot-Duke University.
  • Paris Diderot University: 2009 – 2012
    BA, Major History/Minor English (LLCE), Cum Laude.





      • “Why may not our country be enriched by that lucrative traffic?”: The slave trade and the failed politics of federal proscription in the early American Republic (1787-1808), in XVII-XVIII, (Revue de la Société d’études anglo-américaines), n. 77, (2020).  []
      • « Esclavages, empires et révolutions : les mondes caribéens coloniaux à l’épreuve des ruptures d’empires (1794-1802) » in Tangi Villerbu (éd.), La France et les Amériques entre révolutions et nations, 1776-1865, PUR (Des Amériques), 2021. pp.81-103. []
      • James Alexander Dun, Dangerous Neighbors: Making the Haitian Revolution in Early America (2016) et Elizabeth Maddock Dillon et Michael J.Drexler (eds.) The Haitian Revolution and the early United States (2016) in Comparativ, volume 29, numero 1, pp.113-119. [Book Review]
      • « Capitalism and Colonies: Jamaica and Saint-Domingue in the eighteenth century », Books § Ideas, May 2018. [] [Book Review]

      Conference Papers

      • March 10th 2023, « Abattre ou consolider l’esclavage après Haïti ? L’économie politique impériale de l’esclavage dans le monde atlantique après la Révolution Haïtienne de 1804 », Université Paris Cité, Séminaire « Temporalités du Capitalisme : regards croisés Etats-Unis/Monde ».
      • January 20th 2023, « L’abolition fédérale de la traite en 1807 aux Etats-Unis : la difficile et incomplète rupture de la Jeune République avec les dynamiques impériales et atlantiques de l’esclavage », Université Paris Cité, Journée d’étude « Les Etats-Unis en Construction 1815 – 1860 ».
      • December 6th 2022, « La politique d’expansion de l’esclavage en Guyane Britannique (c. 1795 – c.1815) », Collège d’Espagne, Cité Universitaire de Paris, IHMC, Université Paris I, Séminaire Atelier Colonial et des Empires (ATECOLE).
      • September 29th 2022, ”Slavery and Expansion in the Atlantic World during the Age of Revolutions: the case of the early American republic”, Fondation des Etats-Unis/Université Paris 8, Colloque « Etat des savoirs, enjeux et perspectives de la recherche sur le Jeune Amérique ».
      • February 4th 2022, « Le tournant haïtien : la double abolition (Etats-Unis et Grande-Bretagne) de la traite de 1807 et l’avenir de l’esclavage colonial dans les Amériques après l’indépendance haïtienne de 1804 », Université de Lille/Université Paris-Est Créteil/IDA, Journée d’Étude « Réformes et Révolutions, indépendances et républiques dans les Amériques des 18èmes et 19èmes siècles ».
      • December 9th 2021, “Testing the Limits of Empire: Debating the Political Economy of Slavery and the Plantation Economy during the triumphant phase of British Abolition (1802-1815)”, Université de Poitiers, European Early American Studies Association 8th biannual conference.
      • November 15th 2021, “The 1807 Anglo-American abolition of the slave-trade and the remaking of Atlantic empires in the wake of Haitian independence”, Université de Paris, Séminaire “Histoire du Politique”, LARCA.
      • January 18th 2020, “The Slave Trade Act of 1794 in the United States: Peace in time of war?”, -Maison des Sciences Économiques, Colloque international SEAA 17-18 “The Force of Commerce”.
      • May 10th 2019, “The Question of Slavery in the Diplomacy of the Early American Republic: Foreign Relations and Empires at the source of an Uncertain National Compromise, c.1787-1815”, Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, Middelburg, International PhD Seminar.
      • December 16th 2018, “Transforming a slave colony in the Age of Abolition: Demerara between local interests and the global dynamics of empire, 1796-1807”. Queen Mary University, European Early American Studies 7th biannual conference.
      • February 15th 2018 “Empires and Slavery : Debating and making abolition in the Age of Revolution“, University of Liverpool, Post Graduate Research Workshop “New Perspectives on the Age of Revolution ».
      • November 30th 2017 “La question de l’esclavage dans la diplomatie atlantique durant les guerres révolutionnaires : les mondes caribéens coloniaux à l’épreuve des ruptures d’empires (1794-1802)“, Centre des Archives Diplomatiques de Nantes, conférence “La France et les Amériques entre révolutions et nations, 1776-1865“.
      • February 25th 2017 “General Laveaux and the Saint-Domingue government (1794-1797)”, présenté au Consortium on Revolutionary Europe annual conference, Charleston Francis Marion Hotel.
      • December 9th 2016 “Au milieu de ces désastres dont les suites se feront sentir longtemps : Saint-Domingue and Atlantic Diplomacy, 1791-1794”, présenté à l’European Early American Studies biannual conference (EEASA).


      • July 11th 2018, organizer of a one-day conference called « Studying American Slavery in Europe » held at Université Paris-Diderot.