08 juin 2022 - 14 h 00 min - 15 h 30 min
The details and link for registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/connecting-knowledge-queer-race-and-decolonial-theorisation-tickets-344121776497
RACE.ED and Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) Co-hosted Seminar with Dr Sandeep Bakshi
About this event
This will be a hybrid event. There are limited availability in-person tickets, as well as online registration for joining via Zoom. Please choose the appropriate ticket option when registering.
The in-person event will take place at: University of Edinburgh, Chrystal Macmillan Building, Seminar Room 5, B.01, 15a George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LD.
The event will be broadcast live via Zoom for remote attendance online. Joining details (Zoom link and password) will be emailed to attendees on the day of the event.
Dr Sandeep Bakshi
- Associate Professor in Decolonial, Postcolonial and Queer Studies, LARCA/Université Paris Cité
- Dr Sandeep Bakshi’s research foregrounds the critical significance of intersecting lines in queer and decolonial studies. After being awarded a PhD from the School of English, University of Leicester, UK in queer and postcolonial representations of South Asia, Dr Bakshi currently researches transnational queer and decolonial enunciation of knowledge. He has developed two connected strands outlining narratives of decolonisation, including curriculum and pedagogy, and queer of colour critique and its attendant concern of non-normativity as practice of resisting all forms of domination.
- Dr Bakshi coordinates two research seminars, ‘Peripheral Knowledges’ and ‘Empires, Souths, Sexualities’, and heads the ‘Gender and Sexuality Studies’ research group at LARCA. He is also co-editor of Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions (Oxford: Counterpress, 2016), Decolonial Trajectories, a special issue of Interventions (2020), and the French language publication, Qu’est-ce que l’intersectionnalité? Dominations plurielles: Sexe, classe et race (2021). He has published on queer and race problematics in postcolonial literatures and cultures, and is one of the founding members and coordinators of the Decolonizing Sexualities Network.
Dr Gabriela Loureiro
- Lecturer in Sociology of Emotions, University of Edinburgh
- Dr Gabriela Loureiro is a queer feminist, researcher and lecturer from Brazil currently teaching Sociology of Emotions at the University of Edinburgh. She also is part of the research project Connecting during Covid-19: Practices of care, remittance sending and digitisation among UK’s migrant communities, based at Queen Mary University and in partnership with SOAS and UCL’s Institute of Education. Her main research project is about emotions and online feminist activism in Brazil, looking at hashtags as digital consciousness-raising and exploring the sociology of emotions in cyberfeminisms.