Séminaire franco-britannique d'histoire

The Franco-British History Seminar has been organised since 2000 at the University Paris-Sorbonne, now in partnership with the Institute of historical Research, London, and with the following research centres: AGORA (Cergy Pontoise), CREA (Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense), CREW (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle),  CRULH (Lorraine), LARCA (Université de Paris) and the  Maison française d’Oxford. Every year, the programme conveys the latest insights from foreign and French-based researchers in British history, medieval, modern and contemporary British history. Phd and master degree students as well as all researchers with an interest in British history are welcome.

The year’s programme is on the SFB website HERE

Talks are taped and archived on the Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveumFeGDtmJP8GTG3S8DOQ


Session on Thursday, 5pm to 6.30pm, Maison de la Recherche de Sorbonne Université (28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e), Room D421

  • 5 October 2023 : Séance pédagogique sur les ressources en ligne en histoire britannique (Fabrice Bensimon, Stéphane Jettot et Frédérique Lachaud)
  • 19 October : Louise Jackson (Edimbourg), ‘Gender equalities at work: writing an interdisciplinary history of feminist campaigning in the UK c. 1970-2020’
  • 9 November: John Tolan (Nantes), ‘England’s Jews in the 13th century’
  • 23 November: William Ashworth (Liverpool) : ‘The Early Chemical Industry in North West England and Its Legacy’
  • 7 December: Emily Ward (Edimbourg), ‘”I witness this myself”: adolescent rulers and political “belonging” in Britain and France, c. 1150 –c. 1260’
  • 21 December: Myriam-Isabelle Ducrocq (Nanterre), sur son livre La République de Harrington dans la France des Lumières et de la Révolution (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2023)
  • 1er February 2024 : Alison Cathcart (Stirling) : ‘James VI & I and his empire of islands’
  • 8 Februaty: Luke Blaxill (Oxford), ‘Text Mining and Political History: challenges and opportunities in the age of Big Data’
  • 15 Februaty: Thomas Stammers (Durham): ‘Philippe, comte de Paris and the Orleans family in Exile after 1848: Liberalism, Collecting and Empire’
  • 29 Februaty: Béatrice Robic (Nanterre) : « Le travail des enfants en Angleterre et au pays de Galles entre 1870 et 1914 »
  • 14 March: Perry Gauci (Oxford) : ‘London Private Bankers in Eighteenth-Century Society’
  • 28 March: Lauriane Simony (Cergy) : « Diplomatie culturelle, stratégies d’influence et propagande : le British Council en Birmanie après l’indépendance »
  • 4 April: Sophie Scott-Brown (East Anglia), ‘The Impolitics of Internationalism: Claude Bourdet, G. D. H. Cole, and the International Society for Socialist Studies’
  • 25 April: James Fisher (Exeter), autour de son ouvrage The Enclosure of Knowledge. Books, Power and Agrarian Capitalism in Britain, 1660–1800 (Cambridge, 2022)
  • 16 May: Ophélie Siméon (Sorbonne Nouvelle), « Anna Doyle Wheeler (1785-1848): itinéraire politique et militant d’une pionnière du féminisme »