Scientific Journals

Larca Scientific Journals

  • Arts of War and Peace
    We must know that war [pólemos] is common to all and strife [érin] is justice, and that all things come into being and pass away through strife. (Heraclitus, fragment#80) Whether or not Heraclitus is right, war is a central cultural phenomenon, which always needs to be re-examined and re-contextualized. The distinguishing characteristic of this review …

Coedited Scientific Journals

    Launched in 2012, TV/Series is the first journal to publish academic articles, in English and in French, addressing audiovisual serial fiction from all over the world. Series are analyzed as narrative, aesthetic and ideological artworks existing on an ever-increasing number of platforms. The journal is innovative in its interdisciplinary exploration of the cultural stakes of seriality and …
  • Interfaces
    Interfaces is a bilingual illustrated journal focusing on the dividing line – the “interface” – between language and the image, two means of expression different and yet inseparable. This interface was displaced when the cinema made the image move, then speak, thus making time its medium and creating a new type of discourse. Meanwhile the …

Former Scientific Journals

  • Cahiers Charles V
    Présentation de la collection Les Cahiers Charles V (1979 – 2010) étaient édités par la faculté d’Études anglophones de l’université Paris 7. Une des premières revues dédiées aux études anglophones en France, elle s’intéressait à la littérature de langue anglaise, la civilisation et l’histoire des pays de l’aire anglophone et à la linguistique anglaise. On …