Ella Waldmann

Research themes
- Dissertation Topic:
– American Radio-graphies: The Poetics of Nonfiction Audio Narratives, from Radio to Podcasts
Supervised by: Mathieu Duplay
Current Project
- Since 2018: PhD student at Université Paris Diderot
- 2017-2018; 2020: English Teacher for undergraduate-level students preparing for competitive exams
- 2017: Obtained the Agrégation in English (competitive national examination for teaching in French public education)
- 2015-2016: Book and Debate Officer at the Consulate General of France in Toronto, Canada
- 2013-2015 : Masters in Public Affairs at Sciences Po Paris
- 2011-2012: Exchange student at Columbia University
- 2011-2013 : Masters in English Literature at Université Paris Diderot
- 2010-2015 : École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- “From Storytelling to Storylistening: How the Hit Podcast S-Town Reconfigured the Production and Reception of Narrative Nonfiction,” Ex-Centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, Vol. 1 Issue 4, décembre 2020.
- “Sounding out the South: The Challenges of Aural Representation in the Podcast S-Town” PopMec, Academic Research Blog https://popmec.hypotheses.org/2325, avril 2020.
- « Le roman non-fictionnel, aux frontières du fait et de la fiction », Travaux en cours, n. 14, octobre 2019.
- « Incarner la souffrance de l’autre : Répliques inattendues de l’image-choc « The Scourged Back » (1863) dans le podcast S-Town (2017) », Congrès de l’Association Française des Études Américaines (May 2021 Université de Lille).
“From Serial to S-Town: Hyper-literary Storytelling in Narrative Nonfiction Podcasts”
Emerging Research in Podcast Studies (February 2021, International Virtual Graduate Symposium). -
“Aural Imaginations of the South in the Podcast S-Town” Doing Southern Studies Today Conference (January 2021, Humboldt Universität Berlin).
“Vision(s) of the South in the podcast S-Town”, PopMeC Conference : The US Representation in Popular Media and Culture (postponed due to COVID-19, Universidad Alcala de Henares, ES).
« S-Town, roman audio non-fictionnel : le podcast comme nouvel objet littéraire ? », Journée d’étude des doctorants du LARCA (April 2019, Université de Paris).
« Le roman non-fictionnel, aux frontières du fait et de la fiction », Séminaire des doctorants de l’École Doctorale 131 (March 2019, Université de Paris).