Sophie Vasset

Professeure d’Études Britanniques à l’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 Associate Professor Université Paris Cité 2007-2022
Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles
Research themes
- eighteenth-century Britain, body studies
- history of mineral waters
- literature and medicine
- history of infertility
Current Project
I am currently working on mineral waters in eighteenth-century Britain (with a book on eighteenth-century British Spas, forthcoming in 2022) and in Europe.
I am part of the steering committee of “The Person in Medicine Institute” at the Université de Paris, and I have obtained a CNRS research grant (delegation) at the IHRIM research center, Université de Clermont-Auvergne in 2019-20.
I am the co-director of the Fondation des États-Unis, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris with Anne Crémieux, Université Paris 8.
Research Supervision
- eighteenth-century medicine
- eighteenth-century literature
- medicine and literature
- body studies
Download CV : CV Sophie Vasset
Education and Academic Positions
- 2006, Ph.D., Université Paris-Diderot. Dissertation Title: Décrire, prescrire, guérir : médecine et fiction en GB au 18e siècle (dir. Frédéric Ogée)
- 2020, Habilitation à diriger des recherches prévue le 20 Novembre 2020, Sorbonne Université : Savoirs et imaginaires du corps dans la Grande-Bretagne du dix-huitième siècle, entre littérature et histoire de la santé (garant, A. Tadié)
- 2007-present, Associate Professor, Université de Paris
Administrative Responsibilities
- coordinator with Ariane Fennetaux of the Early Modernities group
- coordinator of the Medical Humanities research group
- manager of the department teaching schedule, 2016-18
- joint master coordinator, 2012-15
- coordinator of the literature sector
- member of the department executive board (conseil d’UFR), 2010-2020
- (forthcoming), Murky Waters, Mineral Waters in Eighteenth-Century British Culture.
- Décrire, prescrire, guérir (Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2011 / Hermann, 2013) – SAES/AFEA Best book award, 2011
- The Physics of Language in Roderick Random (Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2009).