Paul Schor

Associate Professor
Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles
Research themes
- US Social History, 1860-1945
- Immigration, minorities, gender, discrimination, segregation history (US, 1860-1945)
- Consumers’ history
- History of norms
- Social history of popular music
Current Project
- Making people American (1860-1945): history of the norms of everyday life, of the role of Federal, State and county agents in the standardization of consumer practices, integration into a national market, with an emphasis on minority and rural families.
Research Supervision
- US social history, 1860-1945: immigration, minorities, gender, discrimination, ségrégation, unequality, population.
- Consumers’ history
- Social history of popular music.
- History of social sciences
Education and Academic Positions
- 2001, Ph.D., EHESS. “Compter et classer. Histoire des catégories de la population dans le recensement américain, 1790-1940.”
- 2002-2008, Associate Professor, Université Paris X Nanterre
- 2008-present, Associate Professor, Université Paris Diderot
- Counting Americans. How the US Census Classified the Nation, Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Editor and Introduction (, IdeAS, vol 6 « Migrer dans les Amériques », avec Françoise Lestage, Decembre 2015,
- Manfred Berg, Isabel Soto et Paul Schor, “The Weight of Words: writing about race in the United States and Europe”, The American Historical Review, 119 (3), June 2014, p. 800-808.
- De l’émancipation à la ségrégation: le Sud des États-Unis après la guerre de Sécession, 1865-1896, PUF, 2009 (with Nicolas Barreyre).