Frédéric Ogée

Professor of British literature and art
Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles
Research themes
- British art
- Long 18th century (1660-1851)
- Literature
- Gardens and landscapes
- History of ideas
Current Project
I am currently writing a series of 4 large monographs in French on 18th– and 19th-century British artists; Thomas Lawrence / J.M.W.Turner / Thomas Gainsborough / William Hogarth, for the Paris publishers Cohen & Cohen. The first volume was published in December 2022. The other three will follow between 2024 and 2026
Research Supervision
- 14 doctoral supervisions between 1996 and now
- Numerous Master’s dissertations
- British art / Long 18th century / Literature / Gardens and landscapes / History of ideas
Education and Academic Positions
- Professor of British Literature and Art History, English Dept. Université Paris Cité (1996-now)
- Lecturer at SciencesPo Paris, 12-week courses on British art, Fall Term 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017.
- Associate Professor, English Dept. Université Paris X Nanterre (1984-1995)
- PhD in English Literature (December 1984), Doctoral Supervisor: Professor Claude Bruneteau, Université de Paris X – Nanterre.
- Topic : Henry Fielding et l’esthétique : contribution à l’analyse des trois romans de Henry Fielding à la lumière de l’Analyse de la Beauté de William Hogarth.
- Highest Distinction (Très bien à l’unanimité du jury).
- Agrégation d’Anglais (National Exam) – English Literature Major
- French Lector and Teaching Instructor, University of Cambridge (UK), Gonville & Caius College (1978-80)
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud (1977-1982)
Administrative Responsibilities
- Elected member of the Conseil scientifique, Université Paris Diderot, 2002-06
- Vice President for International Relations, 2006-2018
- Member of the City of Paris Research Council (Conseil scientifique de la Ville de Paris), 2014-2019 / 2019-now
- Member of Editorial Board of «18th-Century Worlds publication series », Liverpool University Press, since 2011.
- Member of Tate Britain Advisory Council, Tate Britain Museum, London, 2014-2017.
Selected Publications: 2017-2022
Books and collections of essays
- Thomas Lawrence, le génie du portrait anglais, Paris, Cohen & Cohen, 2022.
- Jardins et Civilisations, in collaboration with Aurélie Godet, Collection “Jardins et sociétés” Valenciennes, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, 2018.
- Sensing the World- Taste and the senses in the Eighteenth Century (II), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2017.
- Forthcoming:
- J.M.W.Turner, Paris, Cohen & Cohen, Autumn 2023.
- Thomas Gainsborough, Paris, Cohen & Cohen, 2024.
- William Hogarth, Paris, Cohen & Cohen, 2025
Articles; book chapters:
- “Nature and Imagination: the posterity of Joseph Addison’s ‘Pleasures’ in British Enlightenment culture”, in Joseph Addison, a volume of tercentenary essays, Paul Davis, ed. Oxford University Press, 2022.
- “Turner, English landscape and the Anthropo(s)cenic”, in British Art and the Environment, Charlotte Gould and Sophie Mesplède eds., London & New York, Routledge, 2021.
- “The Pleasure of Progress: Hogarth and the Pictorial Sequence” in Hogarth: Places and Progress, David Bindman, ed. London, Sir John Soane’s Museum, 2019.
- Pourquoi l’art anglais est-il anglais?, Preface to the first French translation of Nikolaus Pevsner’s The Englishness of English Art, Paris, Klincksieck, 2019.
- “Hogarth’s Bellies”, in Entrails and Digestion in the Eighteenth Century, Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon and Sophie Vasset eds., Manchester University Press, 2018.
- “Joseph Addison, Le Spectateur n°414 (1712)”, in Mickael Jacob, ed., Des jardins & des livres, exhibition catalogue, Geneva, Fondation Bodmer/MetisPresses, 2018. Prix littéraire René Pechère 2018.