Clara Manco

Research themes
- Restoration studies (approx. 1660-1700)
- The political and social roles of theatre
- Comedy, irony and satire
- Gender in the long eighteenth century
- History of emotions in the long eighteenth century
Research Supervision:
In addition to the research themes listed above, I welcome students wishing to work on early modern translations and adaptations, or in comparative literature (German, Italian).
Current Project
My first project is to publish my thesis as a monograph with Manchester University Press, thanks to the generous support of the SEAA 17-18.
I am also working on my next project, which will connect French and English sources, and branch out towards the joint histories of laughter and melancholy in the long eighteenth century.
With Alexis Tadié and Line Cottegnies, I am currently editing the volume Les Règles du jeu (Classiques Garnier, 2024), the product of a two-year workshop series on early modern games at Sorbonne Université.
In June 2024, my collaborators and I are organising a joint conference on the concept of Consent in the English Restoration, with the IRCL in Montpellier.
I finally have the pleasure to be a member of the GIS Sociabilités and the DIGITENS project.
- Maître de Conférence (Assistant Professor) at Université Paris Cité (since 2023)
- PhD in Anglophone Studies, Sorbonne Université (2018)
- École Normale Supérieure, Paris (until 2015)
- Agrégation in English (2013)
- Masters in Comparative Literature (2012)
- Between these experiences I also worked at the University of Cambridge for five years (2018-2023), and in Oxford and Canterbury before that. I am happy to help with applications to study in the UK, please get in touch!
Selected Publications:
- Les Règles du jeu, Line COTTEGNIES, Clara MANCO and Alexis TADIÉ eds, Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2024.
- “Comedy and the Politics of Memory: Representations of the Civil War in Robert Howard’s The Committee and Thomas Otway’s The Souldiers Fortune”, XVII-XVIII Revue de la Société d’études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles78, 2021.
- “Games and the Margins: Winning Fops and Gambling Women on the Restoration Comic Stage”, Etudes Epistémè : revue de littérature et de civilisation (XVIe – XVIIIe siècles)39, 2021.
- “Structures comiques et double discours politique à la Restauration : l’exemple de The Surprisal de Robert Howard”, Etudes Anglaises, 72 (3), 2019.
- “Coffee-houses on the Restoration Comic Stage: Tarugo’s Wiles (1667) and other examples”, chapter in La Représentation et la réinvention des espaces de sociabilité au cours du long XVIIIe siècle, Annick COSSIC-PÉRICARPIN and Emrys JONES eds, Le Manuscrit, Paris, 2021.
The link to your full list of publications in HAL :