Abigail Lang

Maître de conférence HDR


Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • North-American literature
  • Poetry and poetics
  • Poetry’s material forms (orality, performance, audio archive)
  • Transatlantic exchanges and translation

Current Project

  • Poetry in the age of sound recording technologies
  • Transatlantic exchanges


Research Supervision

  • North-American literature
  • Poetry and poetics
  • Literary translation
  • Modernist Studies


A former student of the École Normale Supérieure Fontenay Saint Cloud, I have been a lecturer at the Université Paris Cité since 2001, where I teach American literature and translation. I specialize in modernist and contemporary poetry and poetics, focusing on the productive transfers between languages, cultures and media (La Conversation transatlantique, 2021). With Vincent Broqua and Olivier Brossard, I run the Poets & Critics research network and the Double Change bilingual poetry series. With Michel Murat and Céline Pardo, I lead the Archives sonores de poésie project which promotes scholarly attention to poetry in performance. I have translated some twenty works of English-language poetry into French, and written two books with Thalia Field, a performance-essay on Gertrude Stein (A Prank of Georges, 2010), and a spy novel on translation (Leave to Remain. Legends of Janus, 2019).


Scientific and Editorial Responsibilities

  • Convenor, with Vincent Broqua and Olivier Brossard, of the Poets & Critics research program
  • Co-founder and supervisor of the Archives sonores de poésie open source online repository
  • Convenor of the LISTEN seminar
  • In charge of the Boundaries of literature axis (since 2020)



    • “Contemporary poetry and transatlantic poetics at the Royaumont Translation Seminars (1983-2000) : an experimental language laboratory”, Collaborative Translation From the Renaissance to the Digital Age, eds. Anthony Cordingley, Céline Frigau Manning, London, Bloomsbury, 2016.
    • Lyn Hejinian, Ma vie, trad. Abigail Lang, Maïtreyi et Nicolas Pesquès, Dijon, Motion Method Memory / Presses du Réel, 2016.
    • « De la poetry reading à la lecture publique », Dire la poésie, ed. Jean-François Puff, Éditions Cécile Defaut, 2015.
    • Modernist Legacies. Trends and Faultines in British Poetry Today, eds. Abigail Lang and David Nowell-Smith, Contemporary Poetry and Poetics Series, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. [compte-rendu]

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