John-Erik Hansson

Lecturer in British History
Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles
Research themes
- British history (18th-19th centuries)
- Intellectual, cultural and literary history of the Romantic period and the Age of Revolutions (c. 1750-1850)
- History of ideologies and of political thought (18th-20th centuries)
- History of childhood, education and children’s literature (18th-19th centuries)
- Political radicalism (18th-20th centuries)
Research Supervision:
- Intellectual and cultural history of the British Isles, 17th-19th centuries
- Political radicalism and radical movements, 17th-20th centuries
- Education and childhood, 17th-19th centuries
- History and literature
- Political ideologies and political thought, 17th-20th centuries
Current Project
I currently have three research projects. I am currently editing my thesis, entitled “To Teach Every Principle of the Infidels and Republicans”? William Godwin Through His Children’s Books, for publication as a monograph. In this work, I show how Godwin continued his political activities in the early 19th century by writing children’s books. For my second project, I am working on a new history of the concept of imagination in Britain in the long 18th century, by placing Britain in a transnational context. My third project seeks to shed new light on the history of anarchist thought and anarchism as a political ideology. I’m investigating how English-language anarchists rewrote the history of anarchist thought and reappropriated anarchist figures (including William Godwin) in the 20th century.
Education and Academic Positions
- 2021- , Lecturer in British History, Université de Paris.
- 2020-2021, Postdoctoral teaching fellow in English, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin.
- 2019-2020, Postdoctoral teaching and research fellow in English, CY Cergy Paris Université.
- 2018-2019, Lecturer (fixed-term) in English, CY Cergy Paris Université.
- 2017-2018, Postdoctoral teaching and research fellow in English, CY Cergy Paris Université.
- 2018, PhD in History and Civilisation, European University Institute (Florence, Italy). Dissertation title: “To Teach Every Principle of the Infidels and Republicans”? William Godwin Through His Children’s Books (
Administrative Responsibilities:
- Co-editor of the Ideology, Theory, Practice blog (
- Book reviews editor, Anarchist Studies (
- Co-director, with Ariane Fennetaux, of the Early Modernities and the Circulation of Knowledge axis
- Co-convenor, with Laura Carter, of the history reading group
- LARCA co-organiser, with Stéphanie Prévost, of the Séminaire Franco-Britannique d’Histoire (
Selected Publications:
- « Through the Looking-Glasses : Godwin’s Biographical Works for Children in Context. » in Elizabeth O’Brien, Helen Stark & Beatrice Turner (Dir.), William Godwin, Fears, Forms, Futures (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), pp. 57-78.
- « William Godwin, Romantic-Era Historiography and the Political Cultures of Infancy » in Cian Duffy & Martina Domines Veliki (Dir.), Romanticism and the Cultures of Infancy (Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. 183-201.
- « De la justice politique à l’éducation : progrès et bonheur dans la pensée de William Godwin (1756-1836) », Philosophical Enquiries – revue des philosophies anglophones, 2020, 10, pp. 35-51.
- « Authorship in the Long Nineteenth Century – a Reappraisal », Nineteenth Century Contexts, 2019, 41(4), pp. 369-376. [co-written with Matilda Greig et Mikko Toivanen, introduction to the thematic dossier entitled « The Author Exhumed : New Perspectives on Authorship in the Long Nineteenth Century »].
- « The Genre of Radical Thought and the Practices of Equality : the Trajectories of William Godwin and John Thelwall in the mid-1790s. ». History of European Ideas, 2017, 43(7), pp. 776-790.