Ariane Fennetaux

Professeure d’études XVIIIe siècle à la Sorbonne Nouvelle Associate Professor Université Paris Cité 2007-2023

Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • material culture (17th-19th century)
  • dress and textiles
  • women’s pockets
  • repair and recycling
  • global history
  • environmental history
  • animals and animal products in history 

Current Project

  • PI of Global Matters Project
  • PI of Valuing Nature – Joint project with King’s College, London
  • material culture in a global context (17th-19th century)
  • the use of animal products in dress and fashion (17th-19th century)
  • John Holker, cotton and industrial espionage


Research Supervision:

I supervise PhD and MA theses in the following areas:

  •  material culture (16th-19th century)
  • dress, textile, the body and fashion (16th-19th century)
  • social and cultural history of Britain and its empire (17th-19th century)
  • artisans and craftsmen, practices of making, especially if studied with an experimental archaeology approach (remaking, historical reconstruction…)
  • recycling and repair
  • animals in history (16th-19th century)


Education and Academic Positions:

  • 1994, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Fontenay St Cloud
  • 1997, Agregation 
  • 2000, MA. Courtauld Institute of Art, London. Thesis title: Addressing Undress.
  • 2006, Ph.D., Université Paris Diderot. Dissertation Title: ‘Such Stuff as Privacy is Made On’: L’Intimité et les objets en Grande Bretagne au 18ème siècle.
  • 2018-2019, CIETA Lyon, textile technical analysis (I and II)
  • 2021, Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Dossier title : « Culture matérielle/ material culture studies : circulations et hybridations des disciplines »
  • 2007-present, Associate Professor Université de Paris

Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Elected Member of the Scientific Committee for the Department
  • Member of the Steering committe of LARCA (UMR 8225)
  • Co-leader of the Axe Premières Modernités
  • Co-leader of the research hub Culture matérielle en question and of the Digital Materialities webinar series
  • PI of the Global Matters Project, director of the Global Matters publishing series (Techne/Brepols)
  • PI of the Université de Paris/King’s College London joint project ‘Valuing Nature’ (co-led by Chris Manias for KCL and Laura Carter for UP)




      Selected Publications:


      • Ariane Fennetaux & Barbara Burman, The Pocket: A Hidden History of Women’s Lives 1690-1900 London & New Haven: Yale University Press, May 2019, paperback edition April 2020.
      • Ariane Fennetaux & Gabriele Mentges, dir., Animal Fashions / Modes Animales, special issue for the journal Apparence(s), Jan. 2022.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise et Nancy Oddo, eds., Objets nomades : circulations matérielles, appropriations et formation des identités à l’ère de la première mondialisation, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, Turnhout : Brepols, 2021.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Party Animals: Animal Products in Portable Objects of Sociability in Eighteenth-Century Britain”, Études Anglaises, 74.3 (2021): 268-283.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “‘Indian Gowns Small and Great’: Chintz Banyans Ready Made in the Coromandel 1680-1780”. Costume 55.1 (2021): 49-73.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Behind the Seams. Global Circulations in a Group of Japanese-inspired Cotton Nightgowns c.1700”, Textile History 52.1 (2021) DOI: 10.1080/00404969.2021.1938793
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Consommation industrieuse : réparation textile, raccommodage et faire durer en Grande-Bretagne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”, in G. Bernasconi, G. Carnino, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez et G. Raveux, dir., Les Réparations dans l’histoire. Cultures techniques et savoir-faire dans la longue durée, Paris: Éditions des Mines, 2021, 117-138.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “‘J’étais pittoresque et beau’ : de quelques paradoxes de la robe de chambre”, in Pascale Gorguet-Ballesteros and Adeline Collange-Perugi, eds., À la mode ! L’Art de paraître au XVIIIe siècle, exhibition catalogue, Musée des Arts de Nantes 2021, Musée des Beaux Arts de Dijon 2022, Gand: Snoeck, 2021, 266-271.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Des histoires plein les poches. Poches, fétiches et talismans aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles”, Modes Pratiques, Revue d’Histoire du Vêtement et de la Mode 4 (2020): 66-85.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Interwoven Gowns: A Tale of Global Trade”, in Anna Jackson, ed., Kimono. Kyoto to Catwalk, exhibition catalogue, Victoria & Albert Museum, 29 Feb-25 Oct. 2020, London: V&A Publishing, 2020, 138-141.
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Birds of a Feather. Alexander McQueen’s Cabinet of Victorian Curiosities”, Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens 88 (Autumn 2018).
      • Ariane Fennetaux, “Pockets, Female Consumption & Sociability in 18th and 19th century Britain”, in Consumer Culture and Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century Shinobu Majima, Hiroki Shin & Satomi Ohashi éds.,Tokyo : Gakushuin University, 2018, 86-94.