Paul Edwards

Research themes
- Visual Studies
- The Photobook; Photoliterature; History of Photography
- Comparative Literature (English and French); Alfred Jarry and his period
- Literary Translation (from French into English)
- Punk and Post-Punk
Current Project
- Literary photobooks
- Contemporary photobooks
- Children’s photobooks
Research Supervision:
- History of Photography
- Alfred Jarry
Education and Academic Positions:
- 2019-2023, Research Associate, Maison Française, Oxford.
- 2017-1019, CNRS Researcher, Maison Française, Oxford.
- 2016, Visiting Professor, Comparative Literature, University of California at Los Angeles.
- 2005-present, Associate Professor, Université Paris Cité.
- 1997-2005, Associate Professor, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne.
- 2000-2013, Lecturer in Photography, NYU Paris.
Administrative Responsibilities: [for various leadership roles]
- 2017-2019, Art & Literature coordinator, Maison Française, Oxford.
- 2016-2017, LARCA seminar coordinator.
- 1996-2005, editor of L’Étoile-Absinthe, journal of the Alfred Jarry Society.
- 1995-present, editor of L’Ouphopo, journal of the Ouvroir de Photographie Potentielle.
- 2006-2011, enrolment supervisor (English Dept.).
Une anthologie
Selected Publications:
- « Le frontispice photographique dans le livre littéraire français au XIXe siècle » in Visages de l’objet imprimé. Les frontispices au XIXe siècle, Delphine Gleizes et Axel Hohnsbein (dir.), Sorbonne Université Presses, 2024.
- “Snow Baby : éléments d’un récit colonialiste”, “1, 2, 3… regarde ! La photo, le livre, l’enfant”, Mémoires du livre – Studies in Book Culture n°15, 2024
- The Photobook World. Artists’ Books and Forgotten Social Objects 02/2023
- Histoire sociale des mouvements punk et post-punk 16/10/2019
- Perle noire. Le photobook littéraire 26/05/2016
- Soleil noir. Photographie et littérature 14/11/2008
- À Jarry. Textes dédiés à Jarry 2017