Patrice Dallaire


Research themes

Dissertation Topic:

  • « Entre le pouvoir esclavagiste et la réalité géopolitique : réinterpréter le rendez-vous manqué entre les États-Unis et les républicains du Bas-Canada en 1837-1838 ».
    In cotutelle under the direction of Pr. Donald Fyson (Laval University, Quebec) and Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (Paris-Diderot / University of Paris).

Current Project


Patrice Dallaire is a career diplomat and has had a career in Canada and internationally. His training focused on international relations, diplomacy and foreign languages. Currently a Diplomat in Residence, at the Graduate School of International Studies (ESEI), at Laval University.

His career choices have given him rich and varied experiences in the private and public sectors as well as in international and state organizations. He was Quebec Representative in Atlantic Canada in the 1990s and more recently (2003-2006) diplomat in China, as Representative of Quebec. He was from 2009 to 2013, based in Beijing, as Vice President and General Manager of CDPQ China, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Caisse de depot et placement du Québec (CPDQ), before becoming Assistant Secretary at Ministry of the Conseil exécutif du Québec.

His research focuses on the relationship between the United States and Lower Canada in the Jacksonian era as well as the regional identity in New England between 1789 and the decline of the Federalist Party in the 1820s.




      • Regard sur l’Acadie et ses rapports avec le Québec, Éditions d’Acadie, 1999
      • “René Lévesque et l’Asie” dans René Lévesque et le monde, sous la dir. de Guy Lachapelle, VLB Editeur, 2018