Martine Beugnet


Research themes

  • Cinema, Video, Digital Media
  • Visual Studies

Current Project

Forthcoming: Les devenirs numériques des patrimoines, Michel Bernard, Martine Beugnet et al., Paris : Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme, Automne 2022.

Two volumes of the journal Interfaces on scale in arts and visual culture for 2023. A collaboration between ACV LARCA and the department of Film Studies, King’s College London.

A book with Kriss Ravetto (UCLA) on ghosts and politics in moving image media.

Research Supervision

  • Cinema, Video, Digital Media
  • Visual Studies


Education and Academic Positions

  • 1997-1999, Lecturer, University of Northumbria
  • 1999, PhD, University of Edinburgh
  • 1999-2007, Lecturer and reader, University of Edinburgh
  • 2007-2012, Professor in Film Studies, University of Edinburgh
  • 2012-present, Professor in Visual Studies, Paris University

Administrative Responsibilites

  • Co-direction, with Emmanuelle André, of the double Master in Film Studies (Anglais Cinéma)
  • Co-direction, with Ariane Hudelet, of the Research Cluster Arts and Visual Culture
  • Head of Department, English Studies, Paris University, 2015-2018
  • Head of Film Studies, University of Edinburgh, 2001-1012

>> Download the short CV



    • Forthcoming in June 2023: two coedited special issues of Interfaces journal on Scale in the Visual arts.
    • « Immersion », a Screen dossier coedited by Martine Beugnet and Lily Hibberd, Screen, vol. 61, Issue 4, Winter 2020,


    Recent and forthcoming articles:

    • “Vertiginous Hauntings: the Ghosts of Vertigo”, avec Kriss Ravetto, FilmPhilosophy journal, vol.23, issue 3, 2019
    • « Touch and See? Regarding Images in the Era of the Interface », InMedia [En ligne], vol. 8.1., 2020,
    • «Raw becomings: Bodies, discipline and control in Julia Ducornau’s Grave», avec Emmanuelle Delanoé-Brun, French Screen Studies, vol. 21:3, 2021, pp. 204-223.
    • «Affecting Images: Cinema, Blur and Absorption», TIES, Journal of Literature, Text, Image and Sound, 8:1, 2021,
    • « Absorbed in experience: new perspectives on immersive media », avec Lily Hibberd, Screen , vol. 61, Issue 4, Winter 2020,
    • « Godard’s hands (on the Livre d’image) », with Kriss Ravetto, Alphaville, Été 2022.
    • « Cinematic darkness: dreaming across film and immersive digital media », avec Lily Hibberd, à paraître dans AN ICON journal, Printemps 2022.
    • «Subverting the disciplinary gaze.  Reviewing Foucault.  The panoptic model in I thought I Was Seeing Convicts, Lockup 360 and Correction», à paraître dans Transatlantica, Printemps 2022.
    • « Godard’s Hands (on Le livre d’image) », à paraître dans Alphaville, Printemps 2022.
    • «The Gulliver effect: Screen Size, Scale and Frame, from Cinema to Mobile Phones», à paraître dans The New Review of Film and Television Studies, Automne 2022.

    See publications on HAL