Marine Bellégo


Research themes

  • History of the British Isles and the British Empire (18th-19th centuries)
  • Colonial archives and documents
  • India, Bengal, Calcutta and the Indian Ocean
  • Botanical gardens and natural history
  • Objects in circulation, material culture, museum collections

Current Project


Education and Academic Positions:

  • 2020: Lecturer in British History at Université de Paris (LARCA : UMR 8225)
  • 2019: PhD in History, EHESS, Paris
  • 2013: Mphil in History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University
  • 2012: Agrégation (competitive examination) in English
  • 2011: Masters in English Linguistics at Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV)
  • 2010-2009: language assistant at Oxford (Magdalen and Keble College)
  • 2008: admitted to École Normale Supérieure (Paris, Ulm)




      Selected Publications:

      • 2021, Enraciner l’empire : une autre histoire du jardin botanique de Calcutta. To be published by the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. (English title : Imperial Roots: Another History of the Calcutta Botanic Garden).
      • 2020, « English, Bengali, and Noise in Kolkata: Contacts and Interferences » in Olivier Glain (ed.), English-Speaking Towns and Cities. Memoirs and Narratives, Saint-Etienne : PUSE.
      • 2019, « Delimiting a Utopian Space: the Borders of the Calcutta Botanic Garden in the 19th Century », in Ciaran Ross (ed.), Readings Across Borders: Interdisciplinary Studies of Borders in Anglophone Literatures, Art and Culture, Leiden : Brill, à paraître en 2020.
      • 2019, “Que faire d’archives au ras du sol ? Retour critique sur une expérience documentaire”, CAKtus, Carnet de recherche du Centre Alexandre-Koyré (CAK, UMR 8560). (English title : “What to do with heaps of papers? Going back to an archival experience”).
      • 2015, « Kurt Ziesing’s Tectonic Globe of the Earth: a Case of Tectonics Without Plates ».
      • Acta Historica Leopoldina n°67, « Welt-Anschauungen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Ordnungen des Globalen », p. 103-116.