Pauline Amy de la Bretèque

Temporary Lecturer, University Pars Est Créteil (UPEC)

Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes


  • Caribbean and diasporic literature
  • creolisation
  • environmental literature, ecocriticism and ecopoetics
  • postcolonial and decolonial theories
  • feminism and ecofeminism


Current Project

My research project focuses on the study of literary and ecopoetic representations of Caribbean femininities and the role of the relationship with ‘nature’ in the construction and imagination of femininities in Caribbean literature. The development of this research involves questioning the very concept of ‘nature’, since this notion of Western thought, far from being universal (Latour, Descola), appears on the contrary to be a legacy of the Caribbean colonial past. The aim of this project is to grasp the ultra-contemporary issues at stake in literary representations of the environment, climate change and the imprint of human history on the Caribbean islands. My analyses focus on the way in which literary works establish a critique of the green paradise of the Caribbean (Nair). Recent theories of queer ecology (Morton, Mortimer-Sandilands) give me the tools to examine how the reinvention of femininities in relation to ‘nature’ dismantles the binarities imposed by colonial ecology, be they sexual, racial or interspecies.


  • 2000, Ph.D., Sorbonne University. Dissertation Title: Towards a feminine poetics of creolisation: Caribbean and diasporic perspectives on the literature of Jean Rhys, Paule Marshall, Michelle Cliff, Jamaica Kincaid and Olive Senior





      • Co-edition with Natacha d’Orlando of the collective volume Paysages littéraires. Nature, écologie, écocritique dans les littératures caribéennes, Paris, Classiques Garnier, March 2023.
      • « Creolization as Cultural and Poetical Rebirth in “Arrival of the Snake-Woman” by Olive Senior », Commonwealth Essays and Studies n°44, vol. 1 (2022)
      • « Paule Marshall », Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Fiction, 1980-2020, ed. Patrick O’Donnell, Lesley Larkin and Stephen J. Burn, Wiley-Blackwell (March 2022)
      • « “L’île qui se répète” : imaginaires insulaires dans l’œuvre de Paule Marshall », Vivre et écrire les insularités : les défis de patrimoines culturels en mutation, vol.1 « Inspirations Littéraires », ed. Françoise Morcillo, Catherine Pélage and Mayumi Shimosakaï, Paradigme, Orléans (2021)
      • « Voix féminines de la créolisation dans Fleur de Barbarie de Gisèle Pineau et Arrival of the Snake Woman d’Olive Senior », Malice n°11 (July 2020), « Littératures caribéennes et comparatisme : panorama et perspectives », ed. Marine Cellier and Cécile Chapon