“‘An act hath three branches’: Portraying the Living in Tacita Dean’s His Picture in Little (2017) » – Anne-Valérie Dulac – Visiting Research Fellow LARCA – Seminar ACV

Posted on October 28, 2021

28 October 2021 - 17 h 30 min - 19 h 00 min

Séance croisée avec Environmental Humanities

Un peu plus d’infos : His Picture in Little: Shakespeare, Hamlet and Tacita Dean – National Portrait Gallery (npg.org.uk) L’intervention partira du contemporain pour parler du portrait humain/végétal dans l’art de la miniature élisabéthaine/jacobéenne.


The LARCA’s ACV research group focuses on the visual arts and cultures of the English-speaking world, without exclusivity of media or cultural area.  It combines a historical and aesthetic reflection on the moving image as well as on the still image (painting, photography, film, television, sculpture, video, new media…) considered from the point of view of creation, diffusion, circulation and reception, and includes the study of institutions (museums, galleries, festivals, foundations…). Based on collaborations and, in the context of the seminar, on group discussion, the work of the members of the group allows for fertile interfaces with the other axes of the LARCA.

The group also continues its collaboration on the Re-Scale project with the department of Film Studies, King’s College, London.  

  • The Arts and Visual Culture seminar normally takes place on Mondays from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, in room 340, Olympe de Gouges, and by Zoom for those who cannot join us.
  • Each session includes a 40-minute presentation (guest professor, delegate, seminar member of the axis), followed by an open discussion


Martine Beugnet

Ariane Hudelet



Program 2021-2022 – 1st semester: 

  • 20 Septembre
    17h30 (salle 340 + live stream)
    Julian Hanich  – “Striking Beauty: On Recuperating the Beautiful in Cinema.” 

Film is undoubtedly an artform that affords moments of striking beauty. But while this may be hard to deny, praising a film as beautiful is also fraught with the risk of sounding apolitical at best and retrograde at worst. In fact, the history of film theory has been a story of growing suspicion towards the beautiful and thus follows the “abuse of beauty” (Arthur C. Danto) in the arts more generally. Over the last decades beauty was therefore not an aesthetic category that carried any cachet in film studies. Nevertheless, I believe it is time to pay new attention to the beautiful in film and the beauty of film—and also to defend it as an aesthetic category. In this talk I will try to make a first foray.


Julian Hanich is Associate Professor of Film Studies at the University of Groningen. From 2017 to 2020 he was also Head of the Department of Arts, Culture and Media. He is the author of The Audience Effect: On the Collective Cinema Experience (Edinburgh University Press, 2018) and Cinematic Emotion in Horror Films and Thrillers: The Aesthetic Paradox of Pleasurable Fear (Routledge, 2010). He recently co-edited The Structures of the Film Experience by Jean-Pierre Meunier: Historical Assessments and Phenomenological Expansions (with Daniel Fairfax, Amsterdam University Press, 2019) and an issue of the journal NECSUS on ‘Emotions’ (with Jens Eder and Jane Stadler, spring 2019). With Christian Ferencz-Flatz he was responsible for an issue of Studia Phaenomenologica on ‘Film and Phenomenology’ (2016). In his research he focuses on film and imagination, cinematic emotions, film phenomenology, the collective cinema experience, and film aesthetics. Website: www.julianhanich.de


Séance croisée avec Environmental Humanities

Un peu plus d’infos : His Picture in Little: Shakespeare, Hamlet and Tacita Dean – National Portrait Gallery (npg.org.uk) L’intervention partira du contemporain pour parler du portrait humain/végétal dans l’art de la miniature élisabéthaine/jacobéenne 


  • 6 décembre :  Bibliographic session; current publications and reviews of books and articles.


Séance croisée avec Environmental Humanities

(on the Netflix series Tiger King, zoos and queer ecologies).