Art and Visual Culture
The Art and Visual Culture group includes LARCA members whose research projects focus on the arts and visual cultures of the English-speaking worlds. The research conducted in this context combines historical as well as aesthetic approaches, and includes still as well as time-based media: painting, photography, film, television, sculpture, video, VR…

© Larca
Alongside visual forms and creative practices, questions of circulation and reception are addressed in relation to the institutional context (museums, galleries, festivals, foundations, digital platforms…). Visual Culture interfaces with the other LARCA research clusters. Its dynamic is set through collaborations and collective discussions taking place within the group’s seminar.
Heads of the Visual Group :
Hypotheses website
Research seminar :
Contemporary cultural imaginaries
Research project :
Latest Axis news

Introduction aux écritures alternatives de la recherche
Séminaire inter-ED coordonné par Ariane Hudelet (LARCA), Nicolas Lainez (IRD, CESSMA) et Julien Mallet (IRD, URMIS)