Fév 11, 2021 | Actualités archives, Webinar
Session 3 – ‘Turner, English Landscape and the Anthropo(s)cenic,’ 21 January 2021 Prof. Frédéric Ogée (Université de Paris, LARCA) La bibliographie détaillée est disponible à la fin de la vidéo. En savoir plus sur le séminaire :...
Jan 18, 2021 | Actualités archives, Webinar
Le colloque La photographie, une “histoire pour tous”, organisé sous la direction scientifique de la revue “Transbordeur : photographie, histoire, société”, en partenariat avec l’Université d’Amiens, l’Université de Lille et la Maison Européenne des...
Jan 12, 2021 | Actualités archives, Webinar
Was reading actually a learning process for craftsmen? To answer Pamela Smith’s question, I have surveyed 10,000 pages of drawing manuals for their visual marginalia. What was done to books informs us of what was done with books, where they were read, and what the...
Déc 18, 2020 | Actualités archives, Médias, Webinar
For this last seminar session of the year, we will be listening to L. Ferlier, B. Miyamoto and J. Hopes present the newly published volume Forms, Formats, and the Circulation of Knowledge, British Printscape’s Innovations, 1688-1832 (Brill 2020). The speakers will...
Déc 17, 2020 | Actualités archives, Webinar
Dolls may be mute and their eyes glassy and lifeless, but the tiny stitches used to construct them hold a myriad of stories about their makers, owners and users. Between the age of thirteen in 1754 and her death at the age of sixty in 1801, Laetitia Powell carefully...