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Circulation and Control – “Images, Copyright, and the Public Domain in the Long Nineteenth Century”
“Images, Copyright, and the Public Domain in the Long Nineteenth Century” is a multi-year project that began with a conference at the Winterthur Museum, Garden, & Library (Delaware, USA) March 29-30, 2018. The project is coordinated by Will Slauter (LARCA) and...Historians Call for a Review of Home Office Citizenship and Settlement Test – Members of the LARCA history research group Statement
« As historians based at LARCA (UMR 8225, Université de Paris – CNRS), we stand with our colleagues in the UK who are calling on the UK Home Office to urgently review its current ‘Life in the UK Test’ and the attendant official handbook. As explored in this essay by...Séminaire HistPol – Jane Marcet’s re-interpretation of the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt – Alexandra Sippel
This paper proposes to examine the passages in which Jane Marcet (1769-1858) alludes to fourteenth-century revolts in order to question the debates of her days on wages and prices. The second half of the fourteenth century offers her the perfect case study to promote...SCHMITT Arnaud
Berry Ronnel
Captation d’André Rakoto par le Smithsonian : l’accueil des troupes noires américaines en France en 1917
Notre collègue Frédéric Ogée intervient au symposium JMW Turner State of the Field du Yale Center for British Art le 22 septembre
Frédéric Ogée présentera ses cherches sur l’Anthropo(s)cène, et les séminaires du Larca “Romanticism across Borders” et “Valuing Nature”.Collo
“Paléophonies : imaginer, décrire, recréer les sons du passé” – Séminaire Listen
Interdisciplinaire, le séminaire LISTEN réunit des chercheur.se.s en littérature et en sciences humaines qui étudient des objets sonores ou travaillent sur des phénomènes dont ils considèrent la dimension sonore (sound studies). Si certaines disciplines ont développé...